Archives for 2005

A Priest Forever

MEDITATIONS ON THE CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD. By Charles P. Connor (St. Pauls/Alba House, 2187 Victory Blvd., Staten Island, N.Y. 10314, 2005), xvi + 141 pp. PB $14.95.

Since the close of Vatican II in 1965 there have been some strange and disturbing things written about the Catholic priesthood. Many articles and books on the subject have wandered far from Catholic teaching and the tradition of the … [Read more...]

Catholic Apologetics

The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants. By Dave Armstrong (Sophia Institute Press, Box 5284, Manchester, NH 03108, 1-800-888-9344,, 2004), xviii + 233 pp. PB $19.95.

Sixty or seventy years ago the casual stroller through Hyde Park in London might find a crowd gathered around a man standing on a soapbox and defending the Catholic faith. Frank Sheed, the greatest lay apologist of the twentieth century, … [Read more...]

Encouragement for Mothers

MY CUP OF TEA: MUSINGS OF A CATHOLIC MOM. By Danielle Bean (Daughters of St. Paul, 50 St. Paul's Ave., Boston, Mass. 02130, 2005), 180 pp. $15.95.

A woman can be an outstanding lawyer, doctor, or executive and still be a failure as a person. But a woman cannot be an outstanding mother and a failure as a person. Thus, the vocation of motherhood can fulfill a woman in a way that no … [Read more...]

Time Tested Truths

THE ROYAL ROAD TO JOY: THE BEATITUDES AND THE EUCHARIST. By David Bird, O.S.B. (Hilldebrand Books, University of St. Mary of the Lake/ Mundelein Seminary, 1000 East Maple, Mundelein, IL 60060, 249 pp. PB. $24.00.

A series of informed reflections, Father Bird’s insightful meditations on the seven beatitudes examine these teachings from the Sermon on the Mount not as abstract principles or theoretical ideas but as practical wisdom and time-tested t … [Read more...]

Using Religion to Validate Policy

RELIGION IN AMERICA SINCE 1945: A HISTORY. By Patrick Allitt (Columbia University Press, 61 West 62nd St., New York, N.Y. 10023, 2003), 265 pp. $30.00.

Religion In America Since 1945: A History, by Patrick Allitt, a professor of history at Emory University, is part of the Columbia University series focusing on the American experience after World War II. The book provides a panorama of the … [Read more...]

Understanding Islam

INSIDE ISLAM: A GUIDE FOR CATHOLICS: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. By Danile Ali and Robert Spencer (Ascension Press, P.O. Box 1990, West Chester, Pa. 19380, 2003), 179 pp. PB 11.99.

How it is possible for Catholics, or for anyone else for that matter, to know so little about Islam, what it holds about itself, is something of a mystery. No longer is it simply ignorance or lack of interest about some curious or ancient … [Read more...]

Servants of us all

DEACONS AND THE CHURCH. By Owen F. Cummings (Paulist Press, 997 Macarthur Blvd., Mahwah, N.J. 07430, 2004), 143 pp. PB $16.95.

Dr. Cummings is himself a permanent deacon, a theology professor at Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon, and the author of theological books and articles. These qualifications are amply demonstrated in this book. And a second strong point is … [Read more...]

A Scriptural Litany

LORD, WHO ARE YOU? THE NAMES OF CHRIST. By Jorge Cardinal Medina Estévez (Ignatius Press, PO Box 1339, Ft. Collins, Co., 80522, 2004) 157 pp. PB $11.95.

Cardinal Medina Estévez devotes over thirty brief but insightful chapters to the names given to Jesus Christ in the Old and New Testaments, discussing the attributes associated with each of these divine appellations. Resembling in format … [Read more...]

Knowing and loving God

SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX: HER FAMILY: HER GOD, HER MESSAGE. ByFather Bernard Bro, O.P. (Ignatius Press, P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO 80522, 2003;1-800-651-1531), 253 pp. PB $15.95.

How does a woman who lived only twenty-four years become a saint? How does a woman without a college education or a university degree become a doctor of the church? How does a simple French girl from a provincial background who lived only … [Read more...]