How should Catholics respond to fundamentalist claims about the end of the world? How should Catholic priests preach about end times? Sermons on the subject from Catholic pulpits tend to be rare, and Catholics (perhaps from lack of much … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2009
God’s Salvific Plan
WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT THE END TIMES? A CATHOLIC VIEW. By William Kurz, S.J. (Servant Books, 28 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, 2005), 199 pp. PB $11.95.
Face-to-Face or Facing East
TURNING TOWARDS THE LORD. Orientation in Liturgical Prayer. By U. M. Lang (Ignatius Press, P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, Colo. 80522, 2004), 156 pp. PB $12.95.
The debate about the position of the priest at Mass, whether facing the people or facing ad orientem (east) is not going to go away. The essence of the Mass is that it is a sacramental sacrifice directed to the heavenly Father through … [Read more...]
Catholic Priests in a Concentration Camp
CHRIST IN DACHAU. By John M. Lenz (Roman Catholic Books, P.O. Box 2286, Fort Collins, Colo. 80522, 1960/2005 reprint), x + 328 pp. BB $22.95.
Dachau is a small city of about 25,000 people in Bavaria, not far from Munich. A notorious concentration camp for so-called “enemies of the state” was built there by the Nazi government in 1933, the year Hitler took control. In 1957 while I … [Read more...]
Christ Shines Through
SWIMMING WITH SCAPULARS: TRUE CONFESSIONS OF A YOUNG CATHOLIC. By Matthew Lickona (Loyola Press, 3441 North Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60657, 2005) viii + 278 pp. PB $19.95
Pastors, bishops, sociologists and others who want to get some insight into the minds of young, practicing Catholics today should read Matthew Lickona, a writer for the San Diego Reader who has produced a short but charming book, winsomely … [Read more...]
Theology of the Diaconate
FROM THE DIAKONIA OF CHRIST TO THE DIAKONIA OF THE APOSTLES. An Historico-Theological Document of the International Theological Commission (Hillenbrand Books, 1000 East Maple, Mundelein, IL 60060, 2004), 124 pp. PB $14.00.
This is an official treatise on the diaconate, and especially on the permanent diaconate. It contains all the information one needs to have about this subject, in clear language and in a brief format. The evidence of the Scriptures, of … [Read more...]
An Outline of an Outline
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUMMA THEOLOGIAE OF THOMAS AQUINAS. By John of St. Thomas; translated and introduced by Ralph McInerny (St. Augustine’s Press, P.O. Box 2285, South Bend, Ind. 46680, 2004), x + 182 pp. HB $27.00.
When you want to take a long trip by car to some place you have never visited before, it is essential to have a good map so you do not get lost. In a similar way, if you want to read the great Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas it is … [Read more...]
Divine Mercy and the Limits of Evil
To “review” a book of a pope, especially of the late John Paul II, is a presumptuous enterprise, to say the least. But not to notice this remarkable book and reflect on it is an act of intellectual sloth. It is an amazingly profound book. In … [Read more...]
An Invaluable Resource for Marian Studies
MARY IN THE MIDDLE AGES: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Thought of Medieval Latin Theologians. By Luigi Gambero, S.M. Translated by Thomas Buffer. (Ignatius Press, 2515 McAllister St. San Francisco, CA. 94118, 2005), 339 pp. PB $17.95.
Fr. Luigi Gambero, S.M., Mariologist at both the Marianum in Rome and the International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio, has once again offered to the faithful an excellent survey of the Mariological writings available in the … [Read more...]
A Thirst for Jesus
I THIRST: SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX AND MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA by Jacques Gauthier. Staten Island, New York: Society of St. Paul, 21878 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314-6603, Paperback, 103 Pgs, $14.95.
St. Therese of Lisieux and Mother Teresa of Calcutta have been described as “two mirrors who mutually reflect each other, one revealing what at first glance is not obvious to the other.” The author, Jacques Gauthier, stresses those areas of … [Read more...]
Help for the Journey
THE LUMINOUS MYSTERIES: Biblical Reflections on the Life of Christ. By Tim Gray (Emmaus Road publishing, 827 N. Fourth Street, Steubenville, Ohio 43952, 2005), 34pp. PB $11.95.
Pope John Paul II gave us the Luminous Mysteries for the Rosary and here Tim Gray takes us through meditative prayers for these mysteries based on Scripture and the teachings of Pope John Paul II. The beautiful introduction is by Archbishop … [Read more...]
Mariology as “Theological Synthesis”
The Mystery of Mary. By Paul Haffner (England: Gracewing, 2 Southern Ave, Leominster, Herefordshire, England, HR6 0QF, 2004), 285pp. PB £14.99 (English pounds).
Written in commemoration of the 150 th anniversary of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception (1854-2004), Fr. Paul Haffner, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, has authored a comprehensive work in … [Read more...]
The Best Bible Study Available
Understanding the Scriptures: A Complete Course on Bible Study. By Scott Hahn (Midwest Theological Forum, 1420 Davey Rd., Woodridge, IL. 60517, 2005), 548pp. HB, $40.00.
At long last, Scott Hahn has finally done it! After years of dazzling students, conferences attendees, and listeners of his mass media presentations, Hahn has collected the wisdom of the Catholic faith on the Sacred Scriptures into one … [Read more...]
The Crusades and the Catholic-Orthodox Schism
BYZANTIUM AND THE CRUSADES. By Jonathan Harris (London: Hambledon Press, 102 Gloucester Avenue, London NW 1 8HX, 2003). Available in US through Palgrave Macmillan, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA Tel: +1 800 672 2054 256pp, $29.95.
During his pontificate, one of John Paul II’s chief goals was to improve relations with the Orthodox Church, making reunion a more viable possibility. Only certain pontiffs during the medieval period were comparable to his efforts in this m … [Read more...]
Marriage is an Act of Faith
MARRIAGE AND CHRISTIAN LIFE: A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE, by Daniel Hauser, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Scarecrow Press, University Press of America, 2005, 196 pages, $30
Dr. Hauser is a professor of theology at the University of St. Francis, Joliet, Illinois. His work is indebted to the writings of Pope John Paul II and Father Donald Keefe, S.J. His basic position is that marriage and human sexuality are … [Read more...]
The First Black Catholic Priest in the United States
FROM SLAVE TO PRIEST. By Sister Caroline Hemesath, S.S.F. (Ignatius Press, P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, Colo. 80522; 1973/2006 reprint), 251 pages, HB, $17.95
This book is a reprint of 1973. The Rev. Augustine Tolton, ordained in 1886, was the first black Catholic priest in the United States. There were a few mulattos ordained slightly ahead of him, but he was the first fully black American to be … [Read more...]
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