Cardinal Ratzinger is perhaps the most controversial figure in the Church today, a subject awaiting an author. Various articles about him have appeared, but no book, until the recent appearance of that by John L. Allen, Jr., Vatican … [Read more...]
Archives for 2009
A Question of Fairness
A review of Cardinal Ratzinger: The Vatican's Enforcer of the Faith, by John Allen
Chesterton the Metaphysician
COMMON SENSE 101: LESSONS FROM G. K. CHESTERTON. By Dale Ahlquist (Ignatius Press, P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO, 80522, 2006), 316 pp. PB. $16.95.
If G. K. Chesterton had lived 75 years later, would he have been a radio talk-show host? He certainly had the personality and wit and love of verbal jousting. In his day (the first third of the twentieth century) he was, in fact, a popular … [Read more...]
Evangelization and Truth
The Christian spirit has always been animated by a passion to lead all humanity to Christ in the Church.
“Today, however, with ever-increasing frequency, questions are being raised about the legitimacy of presenting to others—so that they might in turn accept it—that which is held to be true for oneself. Often this is seen as an infringement on … [Read more...]
The Mass is Serious Business
The priest must do everything in his power to directly instill an attitude of seriousness and reverence in the faithful.
As a Catholic priest and pastor, a great source of sadness for me is the large number of Catholics who do not attend Sunday Mass as they ought. These are not just “fallen-away” Catholics, but even more those who attend Mass on an irregular b … [Read more...]
Pope Benedict XVI
Editorial, April 2009
Last October I spent three weeks in Rome covering the synod on the Bible. During that time I was able to see Pope Benedict XVI at several events—Sunday Masses and Wednesday audiences in St. Peter’s Square. In April he will be 83 and will com … [Read more...]
Help for the Homilist
CHRISTIAN ELOQUENCE: CONTEMPORARY DOCTRINAL PREACHING. By C. Colt Anderson (Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 N. Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, IL 60633) 237 pp. PB
In the 13 chapters of this slender volume C. Colt Anderson, an associate professor of Church History at St. Mary of the Lake/ Mundelein Seminary, provides ten complete sermons from patristic and medieval preachers as translated by Ian … [Read more...]
Humanae Vitae at Forty
Humanae Vitae not only contains the truth about the right ordering of the marital act but it has much to teach us about the right ordering of society.
Moral issues are always being influenced by cultural patterns. And the Church’s official teaching is always being understood through cultural filters. Contraception and Humanae Vitae are no exceptions to these two general maxims. In this a … [Read more...]
Pastors and Stability of Office
The canonical provision for stability has been set aside in favor of the frequent changing of pastors as a positive good in itself.
A common complaint heard from pastors and laity alike these days has to do with the frequent transfer of pastors from parish to parish.[1. Church petitions Vatican to keep priest,” Eileen E. Flynn, The Austin American Statesman, July 30, 2 … [Read more...]
The Meaning of Dogma
Catholicism has always taken dogmatic statements seriously because it realizes that the failure to state the truth properly often leads to error.
“If the average man is going to be interested in Christ at all, it is the dogma that will provide the interest. The trouble is that, in nine cases out of ten, he has never been offered the dogma.” — Dorothy Sayers, “Creed or Chaos?” [1. Dor … [Read more...]
Curran’s Attack on John Paul II Rebutted
Dr. May shows how utterly false are four major criticisms Charles Curran levels against the moral thought of John Paul II.
Shortly prior to Pope John Paul II’s death on April 2, 2005 Georgetown University Press published Charles E. Curran’s book entitled The Moral Theology of Pope John Paul II. [1. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2005, xii+262 pag … [Read more...]
NFP: A Defense and an Explanation
What are the conditions according to which one may use NFP without offending Almighty God?
When is it licit for a married couple to use natural family planning (NFP)? What are the conditions according to which we may use this method without offending Almighty God? This will be my subject in this article both with reference to … [Read more...]
Is Christianity a Comfortable Religion?
Right thinking about the Incarnation seems to be the single most important issue behind our contemporary turmoil.
“Make sure that no one traps you and deprives you of your freedom by some second-hand philosophy based on the principles of this world instead of on Christ.” —Colossians, 2, 8. “Jesus’ mission concerns all humanity. Therefore, the Church is … [Read more...]
Contemporary Music in Church?
The church is the domain of the sacred, not the home for an adapted, accommodated worldliness.
Do not model your behavior on the contemporary world, but let the renewing of your minds transform you, so that you may discern for yourselves what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and mature. (Romans 12:2)[1. As rendered in t … [Read more...]
The Meaning of Christian Joy
JOY: THE SPIRIT’S GIGANTIC SECRET BEHIND THE CHURCH’S SURVIVAL By Father John T. Catoir (Alba House, Society of St. Paul, 2187 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, N.Y.10314, 2006; 1-800-343-2522), 190 pp. PB. $14.95.
This is a simple but substantive book on the full meaning and rich sources of Christian joy, “the gigantic secret” that G. K. Chesterton discovered as the essence of Christianity. It recovers an aspect of the Church’s teaching that church fa … [Read more...]
New Help for Canonists
EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE CODE OF CANON LAW: Prepared under the Faculty of Canon Law, University of Navarre. English edition edited by Ernest Caparros (Wilson & Lafleur / Midwest Theological Forum, 2004). Five volumes bound as eight, approximately 9,000 pages. List price US $1,200.00. Purchase Online.
More than twenty years have passed since the promulgation of the 1983 Code, hardly more than the blink of an eye in terms of Church history but an entire generation in terms of human lives, especially in terms of their education. Throughout … [Read more...]
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