The Church rescinded its prohibition on cremation, but does not consider burial and cremation equally valid methods. The Newark Star-Ledger reports that acceptance of cremation is growing: 40% of deaths in America (and 40% in New Jersey) … [Read more...]
Archives for 2012
After the Sex Abuse Crisis and Returning to a “Fish on Friday” Ascetism
There is a human need for discipline, which is another word for asceticism. After almost a decade (if you date the modern priest sex abuse crisis from Boston in 2002 [1.]), the … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
Judge Not. Really? Judging our neighbor; and the principle of subsidiarity. Question: I have found that penitents often confess judging their neighbor. Is all judgment of our neighbor condemned by Christ? Answer: In Matthew 7:11, C … [Read more...]
Women and the Priesthood
Is there such a thing as a "right" to priesthood? If so, is it by law, by nature, or by tradition? “The hour is coming and in fact has already arrived, for the vocation of woman to be fulfilled in plenitude, the hour in which woman ac … [Read more...]
Pope Benedict XVI and the Word of God: Distinct Themes of Verbum Domini
Verbum Domini was Pope Benedict's response to the Synod of Bishops' discussion on: “The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church." That a world-class biblical theologian sits on the chair of Peter as Pope is an extraordinary e … [Read more...]
Food and Hydration: A Natural Law Perspective
Bringing clarity to the provision of nutrition and hydration to the terminally ill, dying, or those in persistent vegetative state (PVS). Hearing about “health care proxies,” “living wills,” “durable power of attorney” can be somewhat baf … [Read more...]
Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae in modern English
TREATISE ON HUMAN NATURE: The Complete Text (Summa Theologiae I, Questions 75-102). By St. Thomas Aquinas; translated by Alfred J. Freddoso (St. Augustine’s Press, South Bend, IN 47780, 2011), 351 pp. PB $20.00. Students of St. Thomas A … [Read more...]
Why Study Latin and Greek?
Studying Greece and Rome both reveals the basis of Western culture, while providing the study of a culture’s internal coherence. I always suspected a massive plot behind the sudden demise of classical languages in Catholic schools and un … [Read more...]
Letters from our readers
It is with sadness that I read the online version of the August 2010 editorial in HPR. I understand that the Church can't change her teaching in order to comfort post-abortive parents but, since I fit into that category, and since we … [Read more...]
Letters from our readers
First of all, let me say that I am very capable of misreading and misunderstanding things that I read. I believe we all do, to a certain extent, as we tend to interpret the written word “to our own image and likeness.” Regarding the … [Read more...]
Letters from our readers
Any homiletic programs for high school chaplains?
Do you know of any homiletic programs being offered for priests who are assigned as chaplains to Catholic high schools? It seems the priests are well-trained in their theology, but how to make it relevant to high school students is another … [Read more...]
With Burning Anxiety
A concerned reaction to the HHS mandate and its effect on our religious liberty On the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary time, February 5, 2012, the bishops, throughout the United States, wrote an official letter to be read to the faithful at all … [Read more...]
A Passion for Christ (II)
Pedagogical Considerations for Roman Catholic Seminary Intellectual Formation Fill it up or light it up? Introduction The activity of teaching has taken on many forms throughout the course of history, whether it is manifested in the … [Read more...]
In Processu
In Processu is a monthly feature in HPR, providing a place for those involved in seminary life to address concerns particular to today’s seminarians. Following the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ document, “Program of Priestly … [Read more...]
Homilies for March 2012
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts
The Season of Lent 2012 The Lord Never Gives Up On Us Second Sunday of Lent—March 4, 2012 Readings: Gen 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13,15-18; Rom 8: 31b-234; Mk 9: 2-10 Purpose: The tra … [Read more...]
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