“When did Jesus know that he was God?” We are not surprised when children and adults in our parishes, who have a healthy curiosity about their faith, ask this question. It is a good question that grows out of a desire to get to know Jesus be … [Read more...]
Archives for 2012
What is Moral Conscience?
Refuting four mistaken ideas about conscience in light of the natural law tradition. My experience as a teacher, counselor and confessor has repeatedly confirmed that there is a tremendous amount of confusion, especially among Catholics, … [Read more...]
Confronting the Claim of Eastern Orthodoxy to be the True Church
Understanding the conflicting claims of Catholicism versus Eastern Orthodoxy Among the lapsed from the Catholic Church in the turbulent post-conciliar period are those Catholics who became so disenchanted with the liturgical disarray and … [Read more...]
Seeing man from the eyes of Christ
Jesus Christ, God and Man, is the center and heart of our Catholic faith. In the Creed, we express our belief in certain events of his life and in certain truths concerning him: that he is the only Son of the Father, God from God, c … [Read more...]
Moral Theology after Humanae Vitae
MORAL THEOLOGY AFTER HUMANAE VITAE: FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN MORAL THEOLOGY AND SEXUAL ETHICS. By D. Vincent Twomey, SVD (Four Courts Press, c/o International Specialized Book Services, 920 N.E. 58th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97213, 2010), 218 pp. HB $45.00.
There are basically two explanations for the tepid reception of Humanae Vitae. We can blame either the Church who gave it birth, or the culture into which it was born. Twomey points his finger at the latter. He explains that the rejection … [Read more...]
Women, Sex, and the Church
WOMEN, SEX, AND THE CHURCH, ed. Erika Bachiochi (Boston: Pauline Books and Media, 2010), 251pp.
In a culture that often views the Catholic Church as patriarchal and misogynistic, Women, Sex, and the Church, edited by Erika Bachiochi, offers a “practical, pro-woman defense” of many of the Church’s most controversial teachings. This c … [Read more...]
The Martyred Inquisitor
THE MARTYRED INQUISTOR: The Life and Cult of Peter of Verona. By Donald Prudlo. (Ashgate, Hampshire, England, 2008) ISBN: 978-0-7546-6256-3, 300 pages.
This book is an historical biography of the life of St. Peter Martyr, the first Dominican to be canonized. The author is an assistant professor of ancient and medieval history at Jacksonville State University in Anniston, Alabama. The b … [Read more...]
On the Promises of God to Mankind
“People of faith tend to have children; those who are persuaded of the randomness of existence tend not to.” — David Goldman, It’s Not the End of the World; It’s Just the End of You, 2011.[1. David Goldman, It’s Not the End of the World; It … [Read more...]
Scripture’s Seamless Garment and the Foundational Life Issue
The “seamless garment argument” versus the Biblical seamless garment, and how this ties into the primacy of a defense for the unborn In 1984, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin gave a talk which was meant to be supportive of a “consistent ethic of … [Read more...]
Letters from our readers
January 2012
Responding to articles on issue of salvation for unbaptized infants by Pugh and Hildebrand Editor: Two articles in your November 2011 issue involve the eternal destiny of infants dying without baptism: “The generational healing of m … [Read more...]
Chosen from Among Men
In Processu
When a bride makes thoughtful consideration of the necessary qualities to be found in her bridegroom, it surprises no one that she would look for a certain depth of heart in the relationship, an ability to properly perceive the difficulties … [Read more...]
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