Archives for 2012

Honoring the Priesthood in June

To those enjoying the memories, blessed anniversary! To those still relishing your freshly-chrismed hands, congratulations! As June is upon us, we at HPR would like to thank all of you who are celebrating your priestly ordinations … [Read more...]

The Latest Book Reviews

For June 2012

REVIEWING: Conscience, Cooperation, and Complicity: The Thought of Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI; Mystics in the Making: Lay Women in Today’s Church; Passion for Truth: The Life of John Henry Newman; A Shared Vision: The 1976 Ellen McC … [Read more...]

Come, Holy Spirit!

Feast of Pentecost

Sequence for Pentecost Veni, Sancte Spiritus, et emitte caelitus lucis tuae radium. Pentecost  by Titian   Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams, which sweetly flow in silent streams from Thy bright throne … [Read more...]

The Liturgy and Divine Adoption

God has predestined us to be adopted sons and daughters, an invitation made in and through his Son, by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is pure gift,  completely and freely bestowed upon man as a grace, and received in b … [Read more...]

The First Beatitude: A Blessing to the New Evangelization

The quintessential focus, of identifying man’s holiness as the threshold to all evangelization, has been essential to the last four papacies because Pope Paul VI, John XXIII, Blessed John Paul, and Benedict have all stressed our call to h … [Read more...]

Liturgical Diversity in the Third Millennium

The liturgy in the West, today, is far richer than that set forth in the liturgical books promulgated by Pope Paul VI. In the 1970s, it was generally assumed that the liturgical reform, called for by Vatican II, had taken its final … [Read more...]

Same-Sex Attractions in Youth and Their Right to Informed Consent

This paper was presented at the Twenty-Third Workshop for Bishops in Dallas, Texas, on February 16, 2011, sponsored by The National Catholic Bioethics Center and the Knights of Columbus. Youth have the right to be provided with the … [Read more...]

Preaching Gregory the Great’s Moral Sense of Scripture

Gregory’s Pastoral Rule offers the most extensive collection of his advice to preachers, but his letters to fellow bishops highlight his concern for the bishop as the moral leader of his flock.  Pope St. Gregory the Great “May the words … [Read more...]

The Eminent Doctrine of St. John of Avila: A Most Dynamic Priesthood

The prayer, work, and lifestyle of St. John of Avila provides an eminent doctrine for priests and seminarians: intense spiritual life, rooted in faith, coming first in the life of a priest, flowing from an interior union with Christ, … [Read more...]

Homilies for June 2012

For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for June, 2012 The Trinity and its effect on daily life and ethics Purpose:  1) To demonstrate the nature of the Trinity and 2) the fact that this doctrine has everything to do with daily life and … [Read more...]

Science and Faith

The theologian today must resist the impulse to denounce a scientific theory because it conflicts with his theological model. The scientist has to resist claiming that a finding of science invalidates a tenet of faith or doctrine. An … [Read more...]

Questions Answered

Donating one's body for research? And, Sacrament of Reconciliation for those already baptized who are received into the Church at Easter Vigil?

Question:  Can Catholics donate their bodies for scientific research, and, if they do, what care must be taken of the body for Christian burial? Answer: A number of dioceses have published guidelines to be used in just such cases, as … [Read more...]

Letters from our readers

Thank you. HPR is great! It will get a "hit" from me every day!! All of you at HPR are in my daily prayers. I give thanks for your vocations; we need all of you so much in these times... Take care. Love in Christ, Jane Stetz, … [Read more...]

The Hypostatic Union

The Hypostatic Union had a profound effect on Jesus’ human nature, as he is both true man and, also, God. Jesus is not a human person like us, but a divine Person.   Holy Trinity by Hendrick Van Balen Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the foun … [Read more...]

Effects of the Annunciation

“Caro cardo salutis,” the flesh is the hinge of salvation. Tertullian, On the Resurrection of the Flesh VIII.2 The Annunciation by John William Waterhouse Mary's "yes" at the Annunciation achieves the central truths of the Incarnation, … [Read more...]