The interventions advocated in positive psychology show, not just a surprising overlap with pastoral theology, but can also be used to deepen and aid Christian practice. Are psychology and religion fundamentally incompatible? … [Read more...]
Archives for 2012
John Paul II, Christian Anthropology, and “Familiaris Consortio”
John Paul II called humanity to rediscover an anthropology based in the beauty and dignity of human life, laying its foundation firmly in Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition. The beatification of Pope John Paul II serves as a … [Read more...]
The “Roman Missal” and Alienation
The revised translation of the Roman Missal will show if attitudes and integration with daily life receive new inspiration, serving as a “sign of the times,” a litmus test of the spirit of this generation. The new English translation … [Read more...]
Are Men to Be Heartless?
Blessed John Paul II said: “Mary is the most perfect teacher of that love, which enables us to be united in the deepest way with Christ in His Eucharistic presence.” A seminary professor, when analyzing the episode of Emmaus (Lk 24:1 … [Read more...]
The HHS Mandate: Is it a Religious Liberty Issue?
Some Catholics (and others) have couched their objection to the recent HHS mandate in terms of religious liberty. Their focus has been on the unreasonably narrow definition of what constitutes a religious organization, and on the lack of a … [Read more...]
Questions Answered: On Confession during Mass, and homilies given by non-ordained person
Confession during Mass Question: I have heard there is a new document the Holy See has issued on confession, and that that document states that confessions may be heard during Mass. I thought this was not approved. Answer: On M … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
REVIEWING: Gold Tested in Fire; In Memory of Me, Indivisible; Shadows and Images; Understanding Language: A Guide for Beginning Students of Greek & Latin; and, Scruples and Sainthood; Reflections on the priesthood GOLD T … [Read more...]
In Processu
Seeking holiness by living in intimate and unceasing union with the Trinity
Spiritual formation...should be conducted in such a way that the students may learn to livein intimate and unceasing union with God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Those who are to take on the likeness of Christ … [Read more...]
Homilies for May 2012
Fifth through the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Ascension and Pentecost
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Your Relationship with Christ is the only True Religion Purpose: The only true religion is a relationship with Jesus Christ. The whole of our Christian faith is contained here: the love of God and the l … [Read more...]
The Interior Life
The interior life for a Catholic means finding God in all things, leading to a life of contemplation in action. Faith in Jesus Christ has consequences. A devout Catholic, who takes his faith seriously, will live in way that is in … [Read more...]
Transformation into Christ through Loving Attention
Forged by Ven. Father Felix Rougier, M.SP.S., during the crucible of the Mexican Revolution, the spiritual approach, Loving Attention, proved effective in forming priests “united in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit." Oftentimes, d … [Read more...]
Was Robert Bellarmine Ahead of His Time?
Empire of Souls: Robert Bellarmine and the Christian Commonwealth. By Stefania Tutino (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 416 pp. ISBN 978-0-19974-053-6. On Temporal and Spiritual Authority. By Robert Bellarmine. Edited, translated … [Read more...]
Easter Is an Eight Day Feast
Aren’t the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist, in fact, the Sacraments of Divine Mercy? Since the Second Vatican Council and the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year, the Church has been emphasizing the importance of c … [Read more...]
He is risen!
Blessed Easter to you! And, please, know that you will all be remembered at Mass this Easter Season. What a wonder, what a truth, what a feast! Today, all death is destroyed and every longing is fulfilled. In his infinite mercy, the … [Read more...]
Some Thoughts on the Resurrection of Jesus
This article is intended to be a radically different approach to the empty-tomb narratives in Mark and John. John and Peter racing to the tomb on Easter morning -By Burnard Introduction In a recent issue of Homiletic and Pastoral … [Read more...]
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