The problem of unworthy Communions under the current one-hour fast rule arises thus: first, Catholics are gravely bound to attend Mass on Sunday and holy days of obligation, and second, the Church strongly encourages the faithful to receive … [Read more...]
Archives for 2013
Celebrating “Humanae Vitae” 45 Years Later
The one night stand may not have been born in the 60s, but it was granted acceptance and serial permanence. ... the Holy Father saw how a general lowering of overall morality would be the result of such self-centeredness. Humanae Vitae … [Read more...]
Existence as Persons In and Through Others
The human family is the relational image of the relational Trinity, in which each divine person is distinct from the other while eternally one with the other in communion, community, and communication. We are aware of ourselves as … [Read more...]
The Corporate Associate: Effectively Addressing the Affective Needs of the Newly Ordained
Pastors of corporate parishes should recognize the need in their newly ordained priest associates to express themselves, or they will stunt their growth as both priests and human beings ... a man ... stunted in his humanity ... will be … [Read more...]
“Read Your Thomas”: The Advice We Should Heed
Aquinas was the model philosopher for Ralph McInerny, and following the likes of 20th century Thomists such as Maritain, Gilson, Fabro, and DeKonick, he wanted the world (and the Church) to see the necessity of this man and his … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
Has the church changed her teaching on condom use to prevent the spread of HIV? Can you tell me the origin of celibacy as a requirement for the priesthood and why the Western Church puts so much emphasis on it? Question: In the d … [Read more...]
Supreme Court Decision on Marriage: “Tragic Day for Marriage and our Nation”
Statement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Marriage is the only institution that brings together a man and a woman for life, providing any child who comes from their union with the secure foundation of a mother and a father. June 26, 2013 WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court d … [Read more...]
Homilies for July 2013
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for July 2013 Christ sending out the 72 disciples - By Tissot 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 7, 2013 True Peace I Leave You! Purpose: The peace Jesus Christ is not the mere cessation of … [Read more...]
Celiac Disease and Holy Communion: A Medical and Spiritual Dilemma
In this article, I hope to inform as many people as possible ... about the damaging spiritual and physical effects of celiac disease. And ... provide resources and pastoral recommendations for caring for individuals who may be unable to … [Read more...]
Rallying for Religious Freedom under the Shadow of Planned Parenthood
Our Founding Fathers understood that when the state oversteps its boundaries—offending its very charge and offending the rights of the people—we must stand up. We stand today in a shadow cast by this massive Planned Parenthood facility, w … [Read more...]
Should homilies offer systematic instruction?
June 2013 Editorial
...there has been, in my view, a serious neglect of instruction of the faithful in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith in a systematic way in most of our parishes. Recently a priest friend asked me, “How can we teach the faith during S … [Read more...]
Jesus and Marriage? A Theological Response
The celibacy of Jesus, and the Christian response to it, is ultimately a question of love, an intimate relation that is hard to grasp for modern man looking in from the outside. Early papyrus fragment of "wife of Jesus;" Jesus Christ Pa … [Read more...]
Prayer as the Wellspring for Positive Transformation
As long as we are faithful to prayer, we maintain a clarity of vision that promotes higher ideals and elevated standards of conduct. ... The more we pray, the more its fruits nourish our daily lives. John Chrysostom once wrote: “Prayer i … [Read more...]
Spirituality for Widows
In the New Testament, widows flourish in their ministry as they draw close to Christ and to Christ’s people. They are free to follow the Crucified One ... Concerning widows in the early Church ... some of them constituted the first form of c … [Read more...]
Holy Communion: Sharing in the Threefold Munus of the Divine Gladiator
The Church early on espoused munus to designate the triple character or office of the God-Man, Jesus Christ: he is at the same time Priest, Prophet and King or Shepherd. Gladiators fighting to the death; Christ's glorious resurrection … [Read more...]
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