Archives for December 2014

Homilies for December 2014

Homilies for Sunday Liturgies and Holy Days, December 2014

Second Sunday of Advent—December 7, 2014 Make His Path Straight Purpose: Advent is a time to prepare for Christmas. As St. John the Baptist gave a compelling witness to Christ by word and deed, so to the Christian is called to do the s … [Read more...]

The Sacramentality of Human Love according to St. John Paul II

Vatican City, November 17, 2014 Dear Friends, It is my distinct honor and personal pleasure to be with you at this important Colloquium on the complementarity of man and woman, and to share with this august assembly the perspective of … [Read more...]

Saved from a Deacon’s Nightmare

Preaching That Changes Lives

A Nightmare Not long ago, I experienced a deacon’s nightmare. I was serving the 7:30 AM Mass on Sunday morning, and just as the lector stood up to do the first reading, the presider turned to me and said, “You are preaching this morning, ri … [Read more...]

An Advent Reflection: Redemptor Hominis, Redeemer of Man

Introduction The encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, has a specific place in the ministry of Pope St. John Paul II. It was proclaimed the first Sunday of Lent, 1979, the first encyclical of the new pontificate, hence the link to Advent—it m … [Read more...]

A Pastoral Society

The Renewal of Catholic Culture and the Flourishing of Human Society

Introduction In the Catholic intellectual community, there is a growing call for the renewal of Christian culture as a solution to the impoverishment of 21st century society. This intellectual movement has two momentums: on the one hand, … [Read more...]

Yes, We Can Know Truth Today

How astonishing it is to be a human person! Like vegetables, it is wonderful enough to be able to assimilate inanimate minerals and grow, as well as to reproduce our own kind. Like our dear pets, it is amazing that we have senses to know … [Read more...]

Late Fall Reading for November 2014

Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus. Fr. Christopher S. Collins, SJ (Ave Maria Press: Notre Dame, Indiana, 2014) 160 pages. (Reviewed by Fr. Vincent L. Strand, SJ) Reading the New Testament: An Introduction, … [Read more...]