Can you tell me the origin of the discipline of celibacy and why the Western Church puts so much emphasis on it? Has the Church changed its teaching on the subject of condom use to prevent the spread of the HIV virus? Question: In … [Read more...]
Archives for 2014
Early Suggestions on How Our Parishes Can Observe Divine Mercy Sunday This Year
The feast is intended to highlight divine mercy as God's greatest attribute, the crowning work" of all his works. As such, it should form a Catholic's spiritual attitudes and behaviors. Divine Mercy image of Christ. Each year since 2 … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
For March 2014
Late-Winter Reading for March 2014 A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching. By Kevin E. McKenna, revised ed. (Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press, 2013), 192 pp., $16.95. (Reviewed by Rev. John J. Conley, S … [Read more...]
What Happened to Catholic Ireland: An Irish-American Historian’s View
Just like the Church in the United States, the Irish Church is enduring hard times. However, what makes it so upsetting in Ireland ... is the disappearance of what had been a Catholic society. When first coming to Ireland more than a … [Read more...]
Why the Jews Are Not the Enemies of the Church
It is not true, in any sense, that the Jews are the enemies of the Church, and the characterization of them as enemies... (is) unjust. It is worthwhile explaining why this is so, because (it was) once widely held, and is still found in some … [Read more...]
Our Lenten Imitation of Christ
Editorial for March, 2014
...Lent is a time of imitating Christ ... a plan to follow Christ, led by the Spirit, to wherever he desires to take us. For the Church’s Season of Lent this year, Pope Francis has invited us all to reflect on the significance of 2 Cor … [Read more...]
Lent: A Time for Conversion
Each and every day, we have the opportunity to be converted, to draw closer to Christ, and to better, and to more fully understand, our Christian responsibility to complete Jesus’ work in our world. Many years ago, while walking with a … [Read more...]
Homilies for March 2014
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for March 2014 Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time - March 2, 2014 Only with God are our hearts at rest Purpose: Our human experience is f … [Read more...]
What Is the Right to Religious Freedom?
The most fundamental right in the area of religion is that which should be attributed to God, what we owe to God. God is absolutely sovereign. Catholics of the United States are more than ever asserting a right to religious freedom, … [Read more...]
“Where your synthesis is, there lies your heart.” An Early Look at Pope Francis’ Vision for the Church
Jesus Christ is the center – the driving source – of the entire Exhortation. Those who have been called, and have accepted Christ are sent into their particular life’s world to spread his name, and to do it joyfully. The sentence: “Wher … [Read more...]
Our Act of Faith
This is what God does with us, he asks everything of us. Why does he do this? ...he needs from us an attitude toward him that the persons of the Blessed Trinity have toward each other, and that God has toward us ... an attitude of total … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
What concerns should a priest have in the weekly homily? “New Evangelization:” What does it mean, and what are its primary focuses? Question: What concerns should a priest have in the weekly homily? Answer: Priests know that the … [Read more...]
1 Kings 13 and the Child of Isaiah 7: Precedence and the Numerology of Matthew’s Gospel
...(Pope Benedict's) last book, and his announcement of his retirement, were an affirmation of the Virgin Mary’s predestination, and her child’s virginal conception at the Annunciation. ... Pope Benedict had great trust in the continued mate … [Read more...]