A society is truly open to life when it recognizes that life is precious even in the elderly population, in the disabled, and even in those who are gravely ill or in the process of dying. To Our Venerable Brother Msgr. Carrasco de P … [Read more...]
Archives for 2014
Pope Francis’ Message to the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
Euthanasia for children in Belgium
Dear Homiletic & Pastoral Review, It is with great distress that as an American living in Texas, I recently learned of the 86-44 vote by Belgium House of Representatives to allow euthanasia for children. As a Christian I couldn't … [Read more...]
An Essay on Natural Family Planning
The Catholic Church has never opposed family planning, but she teaches through her Magisterium, or teaching authority, that man may not, of his own volition, separate the two meanings of the conjugal act, the unitive and the procreative, … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
For February 2014
Mid-Winter Reading for February 2014 Reviews for the following books: LETTERS TO MY BROTHERS: Words of Hope and Challenge for Priests. By Stephen J. Rossetti (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2013), 180 pp. $15.95. (Reviewed by Rev. … [Read more...]
Grace and Reason According to St. Paul and St. Thomas
...the world we live in is overwhelmingly irrational. Our popular discourse doesn’t make any sense at all. As Catholics, we need to understand what our faith teaches about this irrationality. We need to look to Scripture and t … [Read more...]
The Papacy: The Person Versus The Office
What draws the secular media to the Vatican ... (for now) is the man who is able to translate these truths into action, and to proclaim our doctrine with personal conviction. It is one of those few moments forever emblazoned on my mind … [Read more...]
Catholics: Some of our Members Are Wandering Away!
Catholic adults deserve the formation worthy of disciples—indeed, the defining mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel, and make disciples of all nations. The Catholic Church is not doing well in holding her own. Of those Church m … [Read more...]
Homilies for February 2014
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for February 2014 The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple Feast of the Presentation - February 2, 2014 Becoming a Light to the Nations Purpose: The Feast of the Presentation is … [Read more...]
Where is Prayer for Christian Unity in Our Parishes?
Every post-conciliar Pope has emphasized, with Vatican II, that ecumenism is a necessary aspect of the Church's mission, and one involving the effort of all the faithful, clergy, and laity alike. It was once quite common for many C … [Read more...]
The Person of Jesus Unites Himself with the Unborn
I began to meditate on the awesome truth that Almighty God, became fully human, feeding on nutrients and oxygen within the blood of his Blessed Mother, as is every human fetus fed by his or her natural mother. ...Jesus teaches, by his … [Read more...]
Toward a Theology of Infertility: The Trinity in Richard of St. Victor
Richard of St. Victor explores an understanding of the Trinity based on an understanding of the nature of interpersonal love ... in which God is viewed as a community of persons ... he conceives of the Holy Spirit ... as a third person: the … [Read more...]
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