The Church, the living Body of Christ and sacrament of salvation, continues its pilgrimage to heaven by exercising Christ’s ministry in the world so as to bring humanity into greater conformity with Christ. The Vision of the Lord D … [Read more...]
Archives for 2014
“Go and Call Your Husband”: What Enables a Marriage to Endure?
The unity of will between a husband and wife that God establishes is realized also through a life that is fully shared. A marriage is contracted as a result of the consent of the spouses, and this consent needs to be renewed each … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Late Summer Reading for August 2014
Masters of Preaching: The Most Poignant and Powerful Homilists in Church History. Fr. Ray A. Atwood (New York: Hamilton Books, 2012) xviii + 304 pages; $34.99. (Reviewed by Fr. David Maconi, S.J.) ____________ Clare’s Costly Cookie: A … [Read more...]
God’s Love for Us
...the Son Jesus Christ has revealed the true nature of God the Father’s love for us: a love who becomes incarnate, not despite our sinfulness, but precisely because of it—a love that longs to suffer on behalf of the beloved, a love that say … [Read more...]
Homosexuality and Vocational Discernment and Choice
A Call for Evidence-Based, Astute Priestly Discernment in a Framework of Overall Moral Character Development
A seminary that is on-going in the cultivation and the learning of the skills of virtue as an expression of life-in-Christ, and as lived testimony to the Gospel, will be a seminary that is prepared to discern, and to equip, young men for a … [Read more...]
The Holy Family, Celibacy, and Marriage: A Reflection on the “Passage” from the Jewish Rite of Marriage to the Sacrament of Marriage
If the sacrament of marriage came to be specified at a particular moment, then as the renewal of marriage was itself an indication of a new beginning ... it makes sense that the marriage of Mary and Joseph was precisely the implicitly … [Read more...]
The Problem with “Not” Having a Personal Relationship with Jesus
Christian believers know the God who created the Universe ... as a person who reveals himself as Love and Gift, and Personal in his nature. Jesus revealed that the One True God also has an inner life that is not only personal, but … [Read more...]
Mythbuster Extraordinaire: How Benedict Tackled False Christologies
Christians sense there is something radically wrong in trying to put Christ into strange molds, where long-held Christian beliefs about Christ are attacked from all sides. As Benedict stated in his Dunwoodie address to seminarians, to see … [Read more...]
Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones: The History of Anti-Catholic Violence in the U.S.
We do not recall these instances of anti-Catholicism to foster more animosity or violence, but recall them as part of our history, a history that, like so many others, included the targeting of ethnic and religious groups for … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
Does the Church state that there is an ideal form of government? What Magisterial status does the teaching of the popes on contraception enjoy? Can it be changed? Must we believe it? Plato, St. Thomas Aquinas, and A … [Read more...]
Homilies for August 2014
Homilies For Sunday Liturgies and Holy Days, August 2014 Miracle of the loaves and fishes ______________________________ Our Homilies for August 2014 are being presented by two authors this month. Fr. Donald J. Planty, Jr., has prov … [Read more...]
“Ressourcement,” “Aggiornamento,” and Vatican II in Ecumenical Perspective
(S)ome interpreters of Vatican II took renewal to be merely a matter of the Church’s adaptation or accommodation to the standards of the modern world ... they took aggiornamento as an “isolated motive for renewal” ... simply adapting to the … [Read more...]
Competing Theories of Christ’s Atonement: Penal Substitution, Economic Transaction, or Obediential Love?
The Passion is understood as an act of a personal God atoning for the personal offense of sin. The personalist understanding of the atonement is deeply linked to the framework of the relationship between Christ and the members of his … [Read more...]
Let More Sunshine in Your Life
A gentle man understands it is wiser to live without anger than to try to make moderate use of it. He knows that as soon as he is surprised by anger, it is better to turn from it than to start a discussion with it. The woman caught in … [Read more...]
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