In all ages and places, members of the Church need guidance and discipline. ... What we learn from consulting the Didache is that the first generations of Christians had many of the same concerns as we do today, and that these were … [Read more...]
Archives for 2014
Appreciating the Ancient Roots of Church Precepts: The “Didache” Revisited
Abuse & Scandal
Editorial for May 2014
We see in Francis’ interactions with children Jesus’ own special affection for God’s littlest and most vulnerable ones. And it is that same reverence and love which must be the work of every Christian, priests first and foremo … [Read more...]
Seven Years after “Summorum Pontificum”: Nearly 500 North American Churches Offer the Traditional Latin Mass
For those Catholics who are seeking even more regular access to the Traditional Latin Mass, sacraments, and accompanying parish and liturgical life, there are 75 parish locations that offer this access daily ... the ideal and ultimate goal … [Read more...]
Catechetical and Pastoral Emphasis in the Apologetics of Frank Sheed
Vatican II calls the laity to take a more active role in not just the worshipping life of the Church, but the teaching life, too. While Sheed agrees ... we evangelize best principally through a pastorally oriented and properly formed … [Read more...]
Poland Remembers: A Firsthand Look at Blessed John Paul II’s Impact on the People of His Homeland
The reason Pope John Paul II had more of an indirect spiritual impact on Poland than the United States is because his way of speaking about God, and his Church, is so fundamentally Polish. "Santo subito! Santo subito!" ("Saint now!") … [Read more...]
Questions Answered
May 2014
Is the Old Testament an allegory, and if so, how far does that extend? Is it true that there is no good argument against gay marriage, and if this is true, why does the Church oppose it? Question: I recently heard a Catholic news … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Spring Reading for May 2014
Spring Reading for May 2014 Living Well: Homilies/Meditations on the Virtues. By James F. Quigley, OP (Rome: Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2012), 102 pp., €13, 00. (Reviewed by Tracy Wietecha.) ____________ God’s Bucket List … [Read more...]
Homilies for May 2014
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for May 2014 Feast of the Ascension 3rd Sunday of Easter—May 4, 2014 Stay with Us. Purpose: The Road to Emmaus is one of the most popular post-Resurrection stories and it offers toda … [Read more...]
Images of the Priest in the Life and Thought of John Paul II
February, March, and early April 2005 unfolded as not just an extraordinary human drama, but as an extraordinary Christian drama and, indeed, an extraordinary priestly drama ... what the world saw ... and what the Church lived through ... … [Read more...]
Pope John XXIII, 1958-1963: A Brief Biography
"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." - … [Read more...]
Understanding the Theology of the Baptistery
We might start by understanding that the holy water stoup receives its symbolic imagery from the baptismal font, but the font receives its imagery from creation itself. When we enter a Church, we reach for the holy water stoup to … [Read more...]
In Truth I Tell You, Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise
The act of repentance by Dismas, the good thief on his cross next to Jesus on Calvary, fulfilled God’s greatest desire to pour forth the richness of his grace into his soul. Dismas and Christ The ultimate goal in the spiritual life and … [Read more...]
How to Help Cohabiting Couples
I would like to point out what I believe to be the via media, whereby these our brothers and sisters in Christ can both be welcomed and challenged to live the call of their baptism. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the … [Read more...]
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