Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)—June 7, 2015 The Marian Component to the Eucharist Purpose: The connectedness of the Blessed Mother Mary to her divine Son was seen throughout their earthly lives. T … [Read more...]
Archives for 2015
On the Gift of Laughter
One of the oldest jokes for which we have evidence goes something like this: A slave owner returns to the man who had just sold him his most recent purchase. “That slave you sold me last week just died.” The man who sold him replied: “Hey, … [Read more...]
The Beauty That Beckons Us
An Introduction to the Theology of Fr. John Navone, S.J. (Part 2)
(As HPR’s way of honoring the lifelong work of our brother Jesuit, Fr. John Navone, S.J., we are running an essay in two parts by Gonzaga University’s Dr. Cunningham. See the previous issue for Part One.) Part Two Conversion John Nav … [Read more...]
Theology of the Body: Insights for the Synod on the Family
Introduction The upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Family, in October 2015, faces a huge challenge. The preparatory document for the synod reminded us that many families find themselves crushed and abandoned. [1. Holy See, "The Vocation … [Read more...]
The Meaning of the Wilderness
It is characteristic of God in Scripture to lead chosen people into the isolation and barrenness of the wilderness or desert.[1. One author calls it “one of the most basic in biblical tradition, and it is to be expected that it should a … [Read more...]
The Thrill of Anticipation: Encountering God in the Eucharist
How Previous Ages have seen the Eucharist At one point during the Communist takeover in China, the Communists came to a remote village where Catholicism was lived with great vigor. They imprisoned the local priest in his own rectory, … [Read more...]
Summer Reading for June 2015
Our Father, Who Art on Earth: The Lord’s Prayer for Believers and Unbelievers. Jose Tolentino Mendonca, with a Foreword by Enzo Bianchi. (Mahwah, New Jersey/New York: Paulist Press, 2012) 114 pages; $14.95. (Reviewed by Brandon H … [Read more...]
“The Indelible Mark”
Sacramental Character in Patristic and Scholastic Theology
The history of the development of doctrine is, in many ways, a history of language. It is a story of the perpetual struggle to adequately communicate the divine realities in human words, or at the very least, to attempt to do so without … [Read more...]
Promoting Devotion to Wisconsin’s Approved Marian Apparition among Catechists
Parish religious education programs will soon be gearing up for another year of instructing children in their religion. Parents have registered their children; curriculums and lesson plans are being drafted, and catechists are being … [Read more...]
Dean Koontz’s Odd Catholicism
When EWTN aired Raymond Arroyo’s first "World Over" television interview with Dean Koontz on October 18, 2012, many viewers were surprised to learn that the author of over a dozen #1 New York Times bestsellers is a practicing Catholic. The l … [Read more...]
Sexuality and Spirituality
An Attempt at Integration for Sexual and Spiritual Health
Abstract: This paper attempts to show the relationship between sexuality and spirituality, and ways to attain profound union between husbands and wives. Incorporating spirituality with sexual behavior enhances the capacity for satisfaction … [Read more...]
Same-Sex Marriage?
The question of same-sex marriage is complex in various ways: legally, morally, sociologically, and psychologically. It is not the purpose here, however, to analyze the phenomenon of same-sex unions under any of those aspects. The more … [Read more...]
Homilies for May 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter—May 3, 2015 Our Utter Dependence on God Purpose: Self-reliance is not a Christian virtue; instead, the Gospel teaches us reliance on God. It is in the midst of our failures and brokenness that we come to know our n … [Read more...]
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