The scorn with which the new atheists heap on religion is understandable when one looks into their understanding of theology. The religion they reject is the religion of kindergarteners. There exists a Santa Claus that delivers presents at … [Read more...]
Archives for 2018
Dr. Curtis Boyd, Abortionist
The Tower of Abortive Choice, Anarchy, and the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The Scourge of Abortion in New Mexican Catholic Culture—an Introduction Albuquerque, New Mexico’s Dr. Curtis Boyd, is a cult hero to some. To others he is the devil incarnate. Boyd is an abortionist. He performs third-trimester, and even pa … [Read more...]
Being Open to Life—Abstract Norm, or Embodied Word?
Preamble We have a temptation to separate a moral norm from its existential reality and, in so doing, to imagine that we have “an abstract norm”[1. Although the expression, ‘abstract norm’ (ncregi … [Read more...]
Conversion, Consecration, Communion
Movements into Salvation
The Sequence in Salvation History This sequence—Conversion, Consecration, Communion—can describe three steps in several important processes, in the Catholic Faith. Historically, it can describe periods in the salvation history of humanity. … [Read more...]
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