Archives for May 2019

The Color Pink and Abortion Glee

Toward Comprehending the Incomprehensible Events in New York on January 22, 2019

For many decades in most parts of the U.S., at least since the 1940s, the color pink was associated with girl babies and cute girly things. In 2017, feminists started wearing cat-eared pink hats as obscene symbols for women’s “rights.” With … [Read more...]

“Power Evangelization”

A Catholic and Carmelite Perspective

I. Introduction “Power evangelization” (hereafter, “PE”) is a rapidly growing trend in charismatic Catholic circles. It can be defined as “evangelizing through signs and wonders,” and promotes the practice of miracle-working by laity and re … [Read more...]

“This Is My Body”

Ronald Knox on the Real Presence and Transubstantiation

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi proclaims the truth that the Incarnate Son of God, having ascended to His Father’s right hand in heaven, remains present and active in His Church “until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). The truth of Chris … [Read more...]

Our Hope in Mary

Part II of a Marian Triptych

[1. This piece first appeared as part III of chapter nine of volume III of a trilogy called From Truth and truth: Volume III-Faith is Married Reason (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016), 57–66; the present version is, h … [Read more...]

A Man’s Relationship with the Girl Who Ravished the Eyes of God Himself

Introduction During Advent of 2018 I wrote an article for Homiletic and Pastoral Review called “Mary Is Made for You.”[1. Keith Berube, “Mary Is Made for You,” at Homiletic and Pastoral Review (Dec. 20, 2018), hprweb. … [Read more...]

A Forthright Faith

In his book Conversion, Donald Haggerty relates the following story: Toward the close of the Spanish Civil War, two soldiers from the Communist Republican faction were returning to their barracks after a night of drinking and cavorting … [Read more...]

Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear

Lessons from the First Pope

Saint Peter is perhaps the most fascinating, lovable, and relatable apostle. The insight which Scripture provides portrays this very fact, for the Gospels depict an amusing yet awe-inspiring image of a humble and sincere, bold and fearful … [Read more...]

Eight Ways to Love the Sacred Liturgy

I think it is true that there is no single experience in the life of the human person that has a more profound impact upon one’s faith than the Eucharistic liturgy. The realization of what is being accomplished there cannot be u … [Read more...]

Catechesi Tradendae’s Fortieth Anniversary

The Usefulness of Metaphysics and Epistemology in Catechesis

The year 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of a classic papal document on catechesis and evangelization in the contemporary Church and world, namely, Pope St. John Paul II’s 1979 apostolic exhortation Catechesi Tradendae, “On Catechesis in … [Read more...]

Mary Is the Choice of God

Part I of a Marian Triptych

Where do we need to begin with a reflection on Mary, spouse of St. Joseph[1. Cf. St. John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos.] and Mother of the Lord? On the one hand, in the times in which we live, it could be argued that we need to recover … [Read more...]

Virtue Signalling

How has your virtue signalling gone this week? Have you praised recycling, veganism or rolled your eyes at the mention of Donald Trump? In my area, free bicycles were left on the street for all who wanted to use them so as to reduce carbon … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – May 2019

Handling the Precious Blood Question: During Mass, wine is consecrated in a chalice and we believe it becomes the Precious Blood of Jesus. I understand that it should not be poured out into any other vessel and given to Eucharistic … [Read more...]

Homilies for May 2019

For May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26, and May 30 (Ascension). Third Sunday of Easter – May 5, 2019    Readings: Acts 5:27–32, 40b–41 • Ps 30:2, 4–6, 11–13 • Rev 5:11–14 • Jn 21:1–19 (or Jn 21:1–14) … [Read more...]