For All Saints, All Souls, November 3, November 10, November 17, and Christ the King. Solemnity of All Saints – November 1, 2019 Readings: Rv 7:2–4, 9–14 • Ps 24:1bc–4ab, 5–6 • 1 Jn 3:1–3 • Mt 5:1–12a … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2019
A Method of Homily Preparation
St. Francis de Sales in his excellent book, On the Preacher and Preaching, declares emphatically: “We must adhere to method in all things; there is nothing more helpful to a preacher, makes his preaching more profitable, and is so pleasing t … [Read more...]
The Theological Anthropology of Karol Wojtyla (Pope St. John Paul II)
Every so often, there appears in history a person who has an effect on the world, that the whole world is changed for the better as a result of their being there. A person of recent memory is Father Karol Wojtyla, who became Pope St. John … [Read more...]
Pastoral Formation as Improvisation
Introduction So what does slapping together a sandwich in a soup kitchen have to do with priestly formation? And how does packing medical equipment for a mission trip help anyone become a spiritual father? Or visiting random old dudes at a … [Read more...]
Some Notes for Preachers on the Reading of Ephesians Five in the Lectionary
In my years of presenting basic sacramental theology to engaged couples for pre-Cana, the interpretation of the literal sense of Ephesians five on marriage is something that has frequently occupied me. It was even an endeavor to which I was … [Read more...]
Mass Exodus
We’ve seen it in most of our parishes: empty pews, easy-out parking, friends and familiar faces who we no longer see at Sunday Mass. This mass exodus we have been experiencing over the last few generations is a true crisis of faith — aff … [Read more...]
An Anthropological Reflection on the Church’s Sexual Scandal
Assuaging God for the Rape of Abel
The kind of penitence that must take place to move the Church away from the precipice of destruction is the kind that comes from a much deeper well of ancient understandings of man who is flesh and spirit. We must mine the deeper … [Read more...]
Catholics and Their Interaction with Other Religions in Contemporary Society
I. Contemporary Western society’s preponderant secular relativistic thought tendencies contend that all beliefs are to be deemed worthy of being considered as equally true. The philosophical concomitant outgrowths of this thought place s … [Read more...]
Book Reviews – October 2019
The Smoke of Satan By Philip F. Lawler. Reviewed by Sean J. Donnelly. (skip to review) Mind, Heart & Soul: Intellectuals and the Path to Rome By R.J. Snell and Robert P. George. Reviewed by K.E. Colombini. (skip to … [Read more...]
Homilies for October 2019
For October 6, October 13, October 20, and October 27. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 6th, 2019 Readings: Hab 1:2–3, 2:2–4 • Ps 95:1–2, 6–9 • 2 Tim 1:6–8, 13–14 • Lk 17:5–10 The Greatest … [Read more...]
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