Dominic David Nalpon About Dominic David Nalpon

Dominic Nalpon is a student at the International Theological Institute in Austria. He is originally from Singapore, where he spent several years in parochial and diocesan ministry in the areas of formation of young people, catechesis, and the New Evangelisation. He is currently at the tail end of a five-year master's degree in Sacred Theology, and hopes to continue his studies to serve the Church as a teacher and theologian.


  1. Avatar Tom McGuire says:

    Thank you for this important explanation of Universal Destination and Private Ownership. I have asked many Catholic audiences if they have ever heard of Universal Destination of Goods. I have found very few that have. And when explained, many do not believe this could be a Catholic Teaching. There is a profound sense that private property gives an absolute right to do with that property what the “owner” wants.