Francis of Assisi is known to have said: “Sanctify yourself, and you will sanctify society.” On the Christian map, there are many roads to sanctity. Whatever the road, there is only one major and very necessary guide for this journey. His na … [Read more...]
Archives for 2020
The Pornography Epidemic
A Comprehensive Catholic Pastoral Response
One of the greatest problems facing the Church and the world today is that of pornography. Studies show the devastating consequences of pornography to the human person, to the marriage, to the family, and to the moral life of society at … [Read more...]
How Should We Think about Diversity of Religions?
There seems to be some confusion abroad these days about diversity of religions. We can find in the writings of Fr. Henri de Lubac, SJ, as well as in St. Thomas Aquinas, principles helpful on this question. Does every human person need … [Read more...]
The Hidden Cloister of Suffering
Open to All
One of the great omissions in contemporary psychology is its failure to account for suffering. Yet people ask why, and continue to ask why they suffer, and will do so till the end of time. Yes, of course, psychologists try to alleviate … [Read more...]
Recent Works on St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
A Review Essay
Cimorelli, Christopher. John Henry Newman’s Theology of History: Historical Consciousness, Theological ‘Imaginaries’, and the Development of Tradition. Leuven: Peeters, 2017. xii + 356 pages. Softcover: $98.00. ISBN: 978-9 … [Read more...]
Forgive and You Will Be Forgiven
Is forgiveness a completely dispensable act, a gift we receive from God and others, or, is it something we all require and need? Is not forgiveness an act which originates in the mercy of God? And, if so, isn’t the act of forgiveness e … [Read more...]
Questions Answered – June 2020
Absence of God? Question: Pope Emeritus Benedict published a letter last year in which he attributed the pedophilia crisis in the clergy to an absence of God. Our Church and clergy are wholly dedicated to God, right? Can you explain how … [Read more...]
Homilies for June 2020
For June 7, June 14, June 21, and June 28. Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – June 7, 2020 Readings: Ex 34:4b–6, 8–9 • Dn 3:52–56 • 2 Cor 13:11–13 • Jn 3:16–18 Main Point: Although we can’t u … [Read more...]
In the Midst of a Pandemic
The Priesthood Is a Beacon of Light
For centuries nautical explorers traveled the earth seeking new lands and civilizations. For weeks and months, they sailed following their maps by day and the stars by night. Often they would find themselves in the midst of horrific storms … [Read more...]
Springs of Mercy in the Coronavirus Desert
This period of pandemic has been one of significant suffering and substantial sacrifice. Most notably, we mourn the physical suffering and loss of life of those most deeply affected, and the grief of those who love them. Those of us less … [Read more...]
Liturgical Lessons from the Pandemic
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in many parts of the world has demanded swift and comprehensive adjustments to the daily life of the Church. Disruptions in the way we celebrate the sacraments, offer catechesis, and perform the works of … [Read more...]
The Tyranny of Numbers
“Even the hairs of your head have all been counted.” – Luke 12:7 Numbers rule. In today’s world, numbers — and the data and algorithms fed by those numbers — seem to determine everything. In business, numbers influence every facet of busi … [Read more...]
Materialism’s Unnoticed Achilles’ Heel
While major arguments take place between classical theists and metaphysical materialists over central claims about whether the God exists or whether man has a spiritual and immortal soul, the most important claim of materialism, namely, … [Read more...]
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