It is not too difficult to demonstrate that today we live within a culture that dictates acceptable sexual views and behavior. In a very real sense, we are immersed in a kind of totalitarian state, a totalitarian sexual culture. Is this too … [Read more...]
Archives for 2020
Jesus Christ Is the Only Answer to Our Totalitarian Sexualized Culture
A Te Deum for Coronavirus?
Given the reality of the coronavirus pandemic which besets the country and the world, it seems only a matter of a short time before the anti-God proponents start dragging out the same old, tired arguments which they feel attack the … [Read more...]
Transubstantiation and the Real Presence
A PEW survey made public in August 2019 reported that only 63% of Catholics who attend Mass weekly believe that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ and only 58% know the Church’s teaching on t … [Read more...]
Homilies for May 2020
For May 3, May 10 (Mother's Day), May 17, Ascension of the Lord, May 24, and Pentecost. 4th Sunday in Easter – May 3, 2020 Readings: Acts 2:14a, 36–41 • Ps 23:1–6, • 1 Pt 2:20b–25 • Jn 10:1–10 … [Read more...]
Mass in Time of Pandemic
What Is the Celebrant Supposed to Do?
The suspension of the public celebration of Mass in large parts of the country due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus has left many priests with a dilemma. How does one celebrate Mass according to the Novus ordo with no one present? For … [Read more...]
Mass ad Digitalem
Among the livelier discussions in which our seminary community engaged this year was one initiated by the seminarians themselves and focused on the practice and pastoral concerns associated with celebrating Mass ad orientem. Literally … [Read more...]
Navigating a Passive Night of the Senses during the Coronavirus Quarantine
For many, the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus has meant enforced quarantining in terms of stay-at-home/shelter-in-place directives by federal and state authorities. Despite innovative responses by dioceses and parishes to provide a … [Read more...]
Absence — the Appeal for Love’s Presence
Three Points on Priestly Reform in a Time of Pandemic
“There are moments when you must physically absent yourself in order to learn what it means for something or somebody to exist in his own right.”[1. A. Bloom, Beginning to Pray, Paulist Press, New York 1970, 12.] The first days of pan … [Read more...]
Communion, God’s Presence, and Death with “Dignity” amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic
In my last article in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, entitled “Benedict XVI on Self-‘Excommunication,’”[1. Joel R. Gallagher, “Benedict XVI on Self-‘Excommunication,’” Homiletic and Pastoral Review (January 26, 2020).] I examined the value o … [Read more...]
Mass, Interrupted
Longing for the Eucharist in a Time of Exile
When the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was pronounced a pandemic in March 2020, bishops around the world began to suspend the public celebration of Mass. Soon after, secular media mistakenly reported that “Mass is suspended” and even that “Ea … [Read more...]
Epidemic and the Liturgical Reform
The Church reformed the liturgy at a moment of great optimism. The developed world was enjoying the long post-war boom. Seminaries were full. And new-fangled antibiotics and vaccination programs were sweeping away one major disease after … [Read more...]
Online Education Is Not Fully Catholic Education
I am a Catholic high school teacher, and, by May 1st, I will have taught five weeks of online education. This is an act of obedience to various authorities so that, instead of having nothing available for my quarantined high school … [Read more...]
Homilies for April 2020
For Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, and April 26. Note: Most of these sample homilies, besides Palm Sunday and Easter, were written before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue, and attendant changes to … [Read more...]
Super-essential Work amid COVID-19
Has anyone else been a bit taken aback in realizing that you are not an “essential worker”? Of course, we Jesuits are supposed to pray for, and in fact are all in dire need of, humility. So perhaps this should be the Lenten lesson my bro … [Read more...]
The Form of the Liturgy
It is to be regretted that the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the form of the Latin Mass promulgated after the Second Vatican Council in 1970, has become a symbol of near-complete rejection of the Latin Catholic liturgical tradition. This … [Read more...]
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