Archives for June 2024

Homilies for July 2024

For July 7, July 14, July 21, July 28 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 7, 2024 Readings: Ez 2:2–5 • Ps 123: 1–2, 2, 3–4 • 2 Cor 12:7–10 • Mk 6:1–6 The Catechism of the Catholic Churc … [Read more...]

For the Greater Glory of God

The following was originally issued as a pastoral letter on May 3, 2021. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Imagine this story: A fame-driven soldier is holding his position in battle. He is shot and wounded by a cannonball. During … [Read more...]

Adoration and the Struggle of Prayer

Surely one sign of hope of Eucharistic revival is the ever-increasing interest among U.S. Catholics in the practice and theology of Eucharistic adoration.[1. For the historical context of the practice of Eucharistic adoration outside of … [Read more...]

Why Did God Become Incarnate as a Man?

Seeking the answer to the question that is the title of this essay[1. I would like to thank Sr. Mary Ann Fatula, O.P., Professor Emerita at Ohio Dominican University, for her invaluable comments that helped to improve this essay. I would … [Read more...]

The Feast of Beholding Jesus

Liturgy is fleshy, concrete, material; it is the prayer of smoking resin, sloughing wax, swirling wine and water; it is the remembrance of God made man gutted on a Cross; it is the celebration of a grilled Lawrence, a gouged-eye Lucy, a Fr. … [Read more...]

Eucharistic Amazement

We speak of the Eucharist in two senses: the Mass and the Sacrament. The first is the re-offering of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The second is the Blessed Sacrament, which we adore in the tabernacle or monstrance, and receive in … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – July 2024

How Do Sacraments Work? Question from the Reader: What does sacramental causality mean? My parish priest mentioned this concept in our adult education class on the sacraments and never explained it. Can you help me understand it? Answer … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – July 2024

Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Theological Hermeneutic. By Gill K. Goulding. Reviewed by Fr. Vien V. Nguyen, SCJ. (skip to review) Memoirs. By Jószef Cardinal Mindszenty. Reviewed by Fr. Joseph Briody. (skip to review) Gift and … [Read more...]