Archives for August 2024

Homilies for September 2024

For September 1, September 8, September 15, September 22, and September 29 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 1, 2024 Readings: Dt 4:1–2, 6–8 • Ps 15:2–3, 3–4, 4–5 • Jas 1:17–18, 21b–22, 27 • Mk 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 bible. … [Read more...]

Ecclesiology After the NEC with Bishop Barron as Our Guide

I was not blessed to personally attend the National Eucharistic Congress this past July. However, I know several bishops, priests, religious sisters, and seminarians, both religious and diocesan seminarians, who had attended, and all of … [Read more...]

The Holy Spirit and the Four Marks of the Church

In the creed which we profess at Mass, we declare the Church to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. In the past, particularly in counter-reformation apologetics, it was not uncommon for these four marks to serve as a kind of litmus test … [Read more...]

Helping Penitents Overcome Pornography Use Within the Sacrament of the Penance

Pornography is an epidemic. Social science data and the experiences of priests counseling parishioners reveal the ubiquity of pornography in our society. The accessibility, affordability, and anonymity of Internet pornography has exposed … [Read more...]

Equip and Deploy the Sleeping Giant

Foundational Formation for Lay Catholics to Become Effective Evangelizers

St. Paul teaches that “truth is in Jesus.” What then is the lived consequence for people who meet Jesus and choose to give their lives to him? Paul goes on to explain that those people should “put away the old self” of their lives before the … [Read more...]

Pastoral Planning 101

A Stronger Communion for the Sake of the Mission: A Better Church

For those of us who experienced pastoral planning at parish or diocesan levels over time, we have seen changes that make the practices of the past seem unrecognizable. Key to those changes is a re-examination of the underlying purpose of … [Read more...]

Questions Answered – September 2024

Question from the Reader: My priest at Mass said that the number of the Sacraments was not determined until the Council of Trent. I was told since I was a child in religion class that Our Lord Jesus established seven sacraments in the … [Read more...]

Book Reviews – September 2024

The Passion of Love in the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas. By Daniel Joseph Gordon. Reviewed by David Zettel. (skip to review) Nothing But You, Lord: Reflections on the Priesthood and Priestly Formation through the Lens of Bishop … [Read more...]