It is exceedingly difficult to stand before mourners assembled for a funeral Mass, look them in the eye one at a time, and sing—with them, to them, and sometimes for them—of truth, love, and life. Still, this is a duty that must not be neg … [Read more...]

About Angela Biggs
Angela Biggs is a classically trained vocalist and amateur lever harper who lives with her husband in western New Hampshire. She serves as a cantor at St. Denis of Hanover, teaches privately, and works closely with the West Claremont Center for Music and the Arts to bring quality arts experiences to her underserved community. Mrs. Biggs holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting/Finance, summa cum laude, from Southern New Hampshire University.
Life-Giving Funerals
The Importance of Skill in Music Ministry
January 12, 2015 by Angela Biggs
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: death and dying, General Instruction of the Roman Missal, liturgical music, liturgy, music, parish life, parish ministry, pastoral issues, Scripture
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