
About Bishop Raymond Chappetto

Bishop Raymond Chappetto holds a M.Div. from Our Lady of the Angels Seminary in Albany and Master of Religious Studies degree from Saint John’s University. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Brooklyn in 1971, and served as parochial vicar and later as pastor for several successive parishes in Queens. In 2012, he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Brooklyn, continuing to serve as pastor of St. Kevin’s in Flushing, Queens. Per the stipulation of canon law, Bishop Chappetto submitted his letter of resignation to the Holy Father in August 2020; his resignation was accepted nearly two years later, in March 2022.

Retirement from Administration But Not from Ministry

Editors’ Note: This piece originally appeared in The Tablet in February 2024. At the age of seventy-five, bishops are mandated to submit their letter of resignation from administration directly to the Holy Father in Rome. For several y … [Read more...]