Prayer as Energy for the Road

Every man has two journeys to make through life. There is the outer journey, with its various incidents and milestones. There is also an inner journey, a spiritual odyssey, with a secret history of its own. (William Inge) Like our physical … [Read more...]

All For Jesus

“All for Jesus," Sister William had said in the ward, pulling on the rubber gloves. "Say it, my dear students, every time you are called upon for what seems an impossible task. Then you can do anything with serenity. It is a talisman phrase … [Read more...]

Prayer as the Key to Forgiveness

At times, the word "unforgiven" can be terrifying, especially if someone does not forgive us. We do not know what to think or what to do. Evil is all around us, and within us, and can easily magnify when forgiving is not practiced. However, … [Read more...]

The Stillness of Waiting and the Beauty of Birth

How does a Christian keep an Advent orientation amid society’s pre-Christmas, frenzied rush? The key is to focus on the right things. The first Sunday in Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year, and the season in which we prepare t … [Read more...]

A Garden Unfinished

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart: … [Read more...]

Prayer As Bedrock for Service

Although prayer and service have many splendors within Christianity, one cannot exist without the other. Prayer is spiritual respiration to the soul, which oxygenates Christian service. Pope John XXIII said, “Perfume all your actions with t … [Read more...]

The Beauty of Chastity Today

Chastity is a costly pearl that must be guarded well. Well-lived chastity is a habitual disposition of the heart and mind that makes a person gracious and approachable. The transparent beauty of chastity sees life through a lens of … [Read more...]

Prayer as Turning Point Toward Christ

The good news is that even though we sin, God loves us and wants us to return to him. With God’s grace, bad habits can be unlearned. Ecclesia semper reformanda: The Church forever in need of reform. Because we are the Church, we are the o … [Read more...]

Prayer as the Wellspring for Positive Transformation

As long as we are faithful to prayer, we maintain a clarity of vision that promotes higher ideals and elevated standards of conduct.  ... The more we pray, the more its fruits nourish our daily lives. John Chrysostom once wrote: “Prayer i … [Read more...]

Prayer as the Channel of Celestial Joy

We can accept, rather than trying to avoid, pain and trials in a spirit allowing us to offer this rarely-appreciated human gift back to God.  This is the cause of St. Francis of Assisi's perfect joy. St. Francis of Assisi by Jusepe de … [Read more...]