This article focuses on the first part of Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body which broadens the vision of humanity from not just this life (historical man), but to what God intended for man before the Fall (original man), as well as w … [Read more...]

About Charles Dern
Charles Dern teaches moral theology for St. Charles Seminary's Graduate School in Religious Studies and Immaculata University, both located in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He holds a PhD in moral theology from The Catholic University of America, and Master degrees in religious studies and philosophy. He has taught undergraduate courses and seminars on the Theology of the Body. His articles have appeared in Ethics and Medics, and on
John Paul II’s “Triptych” of the Human Person
January 8, 2013 by Charles Dern
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Adam and Eve, celibacy, creation, eschatology, Genesis, Original Sin, Pope John Paul II, shame, the Fall, the human soul, Theology of the Body
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