In August of 2022, Bishop Robert Barron took part in an interview with the actor Shia LaBeouf to discuss his conversion to the Catholic faith. LaBeouf’s conversion was influenced in part by his being cast to portray Padre Pio in a movie by A … [Read more...]

About Cole DeSantis
Cole DeSantis is a writer, researcher, and public speaker who specializes in theology. He currently serves as an adjunct professor of theology at Salve Regina University in the Diocese of Providence (Rhode Island). He received his B.A. and M.A. in theology from Providence College. His areas of interest span systematic theology, soteriology, moral theology, metaphysics, epistemology and Christology. Besides his work in the academic realm, he also works as a journalist for the Rhode Island Catholic, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Providence.
Theology of Suffering and the New Evangelization
November 24, 2023 by Cole DeSantis
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: “Universal Call to Holiness", Church Fathers, divine love, redemptive suffering, suffering, the Redemption, Vatican II
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