Daniel Cere

About Daniel Cere

Daniel Cere is an assistant professor in religious studies at McGill University. His teaching and research are in the fields of sexual ethics, religion and public policy, and Catholic social ethics. Cere has been active in current legal and political debates involving issues of religious freedom and family law. He was one of the founders of the Catholic Studies program at McGill and directs the Institute for the Study of Marriage, Law and Culture. His publications include: Divorcing Marriage, The Future of Family Law, and The Experts' Story of Courtship.

Toward a Gospel witness: Confronting child abuse

The Church’s response to this evolving crisis has been, at the very least, disturbing.

We live in a culture that celebrates progressive liberation from sexual taboos and constraints. The sexual transgressions of days gone by have been rapidly refashioned into the conventional sexualities of today; even more risqué sexualities … [Read more...]