The problem of unworthy Communions under the current one-hour fast rule arises thus: first, Catholics are gravely bound to attend Mass on Sunday and holy days of obligation, and second, the Church strongly encourages the faithful to receive … [Read more...]

About Dr. Edward N. Peters
Dr. Edward Peters holds the Edmund Cardinal Szoka Chair at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. His articles and reviews have appeared in numerous journals of canon law around the world, and he serves as a canonical consultant to a number of ecclesiastical persons and institutions. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI appointed Dr. Peters to a five-year term as Referendary of the Apostolic Signatura.
Dr. Peters and his wife Angela have six children, several godchildren, and, through PIME Missionaries of Detroit, sponsor three children overseas.
Herein, Dr. Peters expresses his own views.
Furthering My Proposal to Extend the Fast for Holy Communion
July 18, 2013 by Dr. Edward N. Peters
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Bishop Jerome Hannan, Communion fasting, conscience, Fr. A. Alonso Lobo, Fr. Henry Ayrinhac, Fr. Heriberto Jone, Fr. John Abboand, unworthy communion
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