If there is any other moral theory besides natural law that provides even better guidance for major and common life decisions, then this theory should be proposed, and natural law should take the proverbial back seat. Natural law theory … [Read more...]

About Dr. Howard P. Kainz, PhD
Dr. Howard Kainz is professor emeritus of philosophy at Marquette, and the author of seven books on Hegel. Recent publications include: Natural Law: an Introduction and Reexamination (2004), The Philosophy of Human Nature (2008), Hegel's Phenomenology: not Missing the Trees for the Forest (2008), and The Existence of God and the Faith-Instinct (2010). He was an NEH Fellow 1977-78, and a Fulbright Fellow in Germany 1980-81 and 1987-88.
A Defense of Thomistic Natural Law
September 11, 2013 by Dr. Howard P. Kainz, PhD
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: "Big Bang" theory, “New Natural Law”, Categorical Imperative, Cicero, Darwinism, David Hume, Francisco Suarez, John Finnis, Kant, morality, natural law, Nuremberg trials, overpopulation, Scholastics, St. Thomas Aquinas, Stoics, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, utilitarianism
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