Dr. Tiju Thomas

About Dr. Tiju Thomas

Dr. Tiju Thomas is in the engineering faculty at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) in Tamil Nadu (India). In addition to his scientific and technical engagements, he has an abiding interest in adult catechesis, and human formation of college students and young professionals. He works with persons and families when they reach out to him for assistance, most often seeking prayer and meaningful life directions. He believes that his Christian vocation includes availability to those who need help in finding hope when they experience suffering. He also writes articles on spirituality (often drawing from the lives of saints) and inter-religious dialogues. Dr. Thomas can be reached at tt332@cornell.edu.

Via Pulchritudinis: On the Relationship Between Beauty and Healing in Pastoral Practice

In 2006, the Pontifical Council for Culture in its plenary assembly recorded the importance of “via pulchritudinis” (the way of beauty) for the transmission of faith in Christ through a pastoral approach. In doing so the Council called to at … [Read more...]

St. Joseph “Patris Corde” As a Pastoral Icon

On the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as the patron of the universal church, Pope Francis released the Apostolic Letter “Patris corde,” which means “with a father’s heart.” (1, 2) This is in the spirit of Pope Pius IX’s d … [Read more...]

Making Pastoral Sense of Pope Francis’ “Civil Arrangement” Proposal

Pope Francis’ recent comments on “civil arrangement/union” for same-sex couples have caused concern among many across the world. Several Catholic bishops, archbishops and even a few cardinals have not minced words in their criticism. Even so … [Read more...]