...It is only when we exercise obedience and the expression of our own personality at the same time that we have real faith. Faith is born from the union of the two freedoms: God’s and ours. A young Professor Ratzinger. Painting: Christ … [Read more...]

About Father Pablo Sarto
Pablo Blanco Sarto has doctoral degrees in philosophy and theology, as well as a degree in philology. He has studied in Rome, Munich, and Pamplona; and his scholarly interests include aesthetics and hermeneutics, the relationship between faith and reason, ecumenism, and sacramentology. He now teaches in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Navarra.
Faith in the Year of Faith: The Early Proposal of Joseph Ratzinger
November 24, 2013 by Father Pablo Sarto
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Barth, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Ratzinger's "Collaborators of the Truth", the road to Emmaus, the Samaritan woman
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