Generation Z, or the Zoomers, are those who were born between 1996 – 2010. Their parents are mostly Generation X. Although many developed countries are struggling with aging populations and declining birth rates, Generation Z (hereafter: G … [Read more...]

About Fr. Benny Phang Khong Wing, O.Carm.
Benny Phang Khong Wing, O.Carm., is a priest of the Carmelite Order. He holds a licentiate degree in moral theology from The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., and a doctorate in the same field from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum in Rome. He has taught moral theology in STFT Widya Sasana, Indonesia and has lectured extensively. He is the author of many publications, most recently Seeing Him, Are We Moved with Compassion?: A Scientific, Ethical and Theological Inquiry into the Moral Status of the Early Human Embryo (Edizioni Carmelitane, 2019), If You Knew the Gift of God: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Christian Morality (Karmelindo, 2020). He was the General Councillor for Asia, Oceania and Australia and currently he is the Vice Prior General, as well as being responsible for Formation in the Carmelite Order.
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