For Jan. 1, Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, and Jan. 27. Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God – Jan. 1, 2019 Readings: Nm 6:22–27 • Ps 67:2–3, 5–6, 8 • Gal 4:4–7 • Lk 2:16–21 Spiritual Resolutions for … [Read more...]
Searching for Clarity in Vocational Discernment
... The call of the Lord usually comes to us in a more subtle and indirect manner ... left up to us, with the assistance of divine grace, to discern whether we are being called to the priesthood or consecrated life. Christ calling Peter … [Read more...]
Discernment and Communion
If young people want to properly discern a vocation, they need an expert to help guide them. In the Church of San Luigi Dei Francesi in Rome, there are the three famous paintings of the life of St. Matthew by the great Baroque artist … [Read more...]
January 2013 Homilies
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for January 2013 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God Spiritual Resolutions for 2013 Purpose: a) To help Catholics better understand their obligation to attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation, … [Read more...]
Discerning Marriage as Natural Vocation
Marriage, as a vocation, is written into our human nature, into our very being. According to the Church, everyone is called to marriage because they are humans who have been created as either male or female. It is necessary to clear … [Read more...]
The Mass is Serious Business
The priest must do everything in his power to directly instill an attitude of seriousness and reverence in the faithful.
As a Catholic priest and pastor, a great source of sadness for me is the large number of Catholics who do not attend Sunday Mass as they ought. These are not just “fallen-away” Catholics, but even more those who attend Mass on an irregular b … [Read more...]
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