In a moment, the whole thing was changed into a secular Good Friday. A bloody, savage assault on the life of the innocent, complete with nails going through flesh after the bombs exploded. Once you’ve been a priest for a while, you st … [Read more...]

About Fr. Mark Yavarone, OMV
Fr. Mark Yavarone, OMV, was professor of bioethics at the San Carlos Major Seminary in the Philippines, where he was also director of retreats and recollections for the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Several of his articles on bioethics have been published in scholarly journals. Fr. Yavarone has a PhD in cell biology and anatomy from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He is presently a full-time faculty member at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary.
Homily After the Boston Marathon Bombings
May 6, 2013 by Fr. Mark Yavarone, OMV
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Blessed Mother, Boston marathon bombing, crucifixion, Holy Week, passion and death of Jesus, St. John the Evangelist, suffering
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