Reviewing the teaching of Veritatis Splendor, Francis Sullivan asks “whether one might . . . interpret the encyclical to mean that all traditional Catholic moral doctrine is, in the final analysis, the Church’s interpretation of the Ten Com … [Read more...]

About Fr. Michael McGuckian, SJ
Fr. Michael Mc Guckian is an Irish Jesuit priest. He did his basic studies in the Milltown Institute in Dublin and gained a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has worked as a high school teacher of religion and mathematics, taught theology in a diocesan seminary in Malawi, Central Africa, worked as a hospital chaplain in Limerick, Ireland, and is currently serving the international Catholic community in Ankara, Turkey.
The Absolute Moral Norms Are Dogmas of Faith
October 24, 2024 by Fr. Michael McGuckian, SJ
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Divine Revelation, moral teaching, natural law, Scripture and Tradition
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