Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi. Loosely translated: “The norm of prayer governs the norm of belief; the norm of belief governs the norm of living.” Many priests nowadays (including myself) are asking, “What if there’s deficient lex in … [Read more...]

About Fr. Robert McTeigue
Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., formerly a professor of philosophy and theology, is a broadcaster and author. He is host & producer of “The Catholic Current” via The Station of the Cross Media Network. His most recent book, Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post-Post Christian Era, is from Ignatius Press. His broadcast and written work can be found at heraldofthegospel.org.
What Many Priests No Longer Believe
March 29, 2023 by Fr. Robert McTeigue
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Church reform, General Instruction of the Roman Missal, lex orandi lex credendi, liturgical music, liturgy, participation in Mass, reverence for the sacred
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