We all know the Catholic Church can never die, because her Head, Jesus Christ, is alive and can never die. However, the Church can certainly be anemic and deathly ill—which she, no doubt, is in America. I will examine some of the reasons f … [Read more...]

About Mrs. Frances J. Ford
Mrs. Frances J. Ford was received into the Catholic Church in Huntington Beach, CA at St. Bonaventure Parish about forty years ago. She attributes the influences that brought her to that moment to her late godmother, and how she conveyed the irresistible and eternal truths of Catholicism. She is now a housewife, a lay evangelist and, as she simply writes, "a woman in love with our Holy and Ancient Faith."
Anemic Parishes and Parish Life
February 12, 2016 by Mrs. Frances J. Ford
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: American Catholic history, evangelization, parish life
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