Gary Knight

About Gary Knight

Gary Knight was raised a Catholic in Guelph, then Toronto, Canada. Presently, he is a retired physicist, living near Ottawa, with an interest in cosmology (including Anselm's "cosmological" proof dating back at least to Seneca).

On Whose Authority…

Jesus has a peculiar, almost provocative way of opening up the deeper recesses of prejudices for inspection. In the New Testament, this is often by way of a rabbinical question. "You ask by what authority I make these proclamations: I will … [Read more...]

Lord, I Would Believe

In this little expostulation, let us take a closer look at the state of mind of the demoniac’s desperate father, who says, “Lord I believe; help thou my unbelief.” It is not uncommon to recollect this expression of hope in the words, “Lord, … [Read more...]