It is common these days to read of certain figures whose contribution to the Church in some way prefigured the reforms of Vatican II—e.g., de Lubac, Congar—but among them also are the figures of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower, and … [Read more...]

About Dr. John C. Caiazza, PhD
John C. Caiazza, Ph.D., is a senior lecturer in Philosophy at Rivier University. His article on the influence of the philosophy of science on the thought of ethicist Alasdair MacIntyre is scheduled for publication in the Quarterly of the American Catholic Philosophic Association.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux and Cardinal Newman
19th Century Prophets of Lay Spirituality
October 19, 2017 by Dr. John C. Caiazza, PhD
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: John Henry Cardinal Newman, St. Therese of Lisieux, Vatican II
The Social Teaching of John Paul II
January 15, 2014 by Dr. John C. Caiazza, PhD

John Paul wanted to move forward the Council’s openness and announcement of Christian hope to the postmodern world, but ... he saw that the excesses brought about by the Council were having destructive effects and acted to preserve the C … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: Adam Smith, capitalism, Catholic Social Teaching, Centesimus Annus, communism, Edmund Husserl, free market, Fukuyama, Heidegger, Joseph Gremillon, Karl Marx, laborem Exercens, Max Scheler, Milton Friedman, Morris West, Mother Teresa, natural law, Phenomenology, Pope John Paul II, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XI, Popularum Progressio, pre-industrial nations, Rerum Novarum, socialism, solidarity, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Soviet Union, St. Edith Stein, St. John XXIII, The End of History, The Wealth of Nations
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