There seems to be some confusion abroad these days about diversity of religions. We can find in the writings of Fr. Henri de Lubac, SJ, as well as in St. Thomas Aquinas, principles helpful on this question. Does every human person need … [Read more...]
Is the Holy Family a Realistic Model for Ordinary Families?
In this time of troubled marriages and beleaguered families, a renewed focus on the Holy Family, and what it teaches us, can act as a bracing support. Dr. Mary Shivanandan’s new book, The Holy Family, Model Not Exception, provides just such … [Read more...]
Can Philosophy Strengthen an Ecumenical Approach to Issues of Morality?
There has been considerable discussion in recent years about the philosophical assumptions that underlie false understandings of morality in our society. These assumptions have affected not only secular developments but also practices and … [Read more...]
Reflections on the Indissolubility of Marriage and the Trinity
The source of our holiness as Christians is rooted in the revelation of God as Trinity with an interior life of total reciprocal, self-giving love between unique, distinct Persons who are, together, the Divine Unity. But the Divine Trinity … [Read more...]
“Family, Become What You Are”
Probing the Depth of the Theology of the Family
Catholic families today are surrounded and pressured by many wrong ideas and attitudes prevalent in our culture. The very meaning of marriage and family has been undermined. Families could use some bolstering and clear thinking to support … [Read more...]
The Eternal Presence of the House of Nazareth
The family life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Nazareth is an ever-present revelation of God’s purposes and work in the world, inviting to holiness families of the 21st century. Does the household of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the small vi … [Read more...]
Does Morality Inhibit Freedom?
St. Thomas Aquinas gave primacy to the natural reason as formative in our free choices—the use of reason ordered to truth, and the will ordered to the good, uniting to make a choice. “Jesus didn’t come to give us a bunch of rules.” Perh … [Read more...]
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