This article is a response to a Protestant couple that disagreed with the Church’s teaching on the dignity of the marriage act. It was a pleasant evening and we were discussing some of the books I was reading. The topic of contraception … [Read more...]

About Kenton Biffert
Kenton E. Biffert is father of 7 and a doctoral candidate at Dominican University College. He is an author and his first Catholic fiction is scheduled for publication in 2018. His research interests lie in the fields of political theology, moral theology, and marriage/family. Kenton is the founder of The Art of Fatherhood, which seeks to strengthen fathers through evangelization and applying the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas to the domestic church.
What is Authentic Intimacy?
November 6, 2017 by Kenton Biffert
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: marriage, Pope John Paul II, pre-marriage instruction, sex, Theology of the Body
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