Dear Fathers, Thank you for answering God’s call to be a priest and for your many years of active ministry in parishes, shrines, hospitals, schools, colleges, the military, retreat centers, and the missions. Thank you for all of the t … [Read more...]

About Louise Merrie
Louise Merrie is a freelance writer on Catholic subjects. Her articles have been published in Catholic Life, Catholic Exchange, Novena Magazine, and the Saint Austin Review. She is the author of Fulton Sheen: Evangelist of the Modern Age, published by the Catholic Truth Society. She is the founder of the Community of Mary, Mother of Mercy, an organization which supports senior priests through prayer, friendship, and service (
A Letter to Senior Priests
July 27, 2023 by Louise Merrie
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: isolation vs. community, loneliness in the priesthood, priestly vocation, redemptive suffering, spiritual fatherhood, the priesthood
Doing the Works of Mercy with Mary, Mother of Mercy
July 15, 2021 by Louise Merrie

Although I have had a relationship with Mary since I was a child and had been praying the Rosary since my early twenties, I developed a closer relationship with Mary as a mother and came to understand her as the Mother of Mercy because of … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Care of the elderly and sick, death and dying, Mary, Mary Mother of Mercy, Pope John Paul II, Rosary, works of mercy
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