Both persons in a marriage are called to love ... called to a life of giving and receiving. The catch is: spouses don’t give and receive in exactly the same way ... because man and woman are not replicas of one another, nor are they mir … [Read more...]

About Mary Stanford
Mary Stanford earned a BA in philosophy from the University of Dallas, and a MA in theological studies degree from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, D.C., graduating summa cum laude from each institution. She is married, and is the mother of six children, whom she educates at home. A frequent speaker on topics including marriage, contraception, femininity, and the theology of the body, Mary also teaches as an adjunct instructor in the theology department of Christendom College.
The Dynamic of the Gift: Authority and Submission in Christian Marriage
January 3, 2013 by Mary Stanford
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: giving and receiving, marriage, masculine and the feminine orientations, self-gift, St. Edith Stein, St. Paul, the family
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