Masters of Preaching: The Most Poignant and Powerful Homilists in Church History. Fr. Ray A. Atwood (New York: Hamilton Books, 2012) xviii + 304 pages; $34.99. (Reviewed by Fr. David Maconi, S.J.) ____________ Clare’s Costly Cookie: A … [Read more...]
God’s Love for Us
...the Son Jesus Christ has revealed the true nature of God the Father’s love for us: a love who becomes incarnate, not despite our sinfulness, but precisely because of it—a love that longs to suffer on behalf of the beloved, a love that say … [Read more...]
A God of Created Desires
Editorial for June 2014
The Lord has given us desires, and wants to fulfill them, with his care, and with his peace; he wants us to flourish in knowing him, and directing all endeavors and expectations to him. St. Ignatius of Loyola knew, better than most, of … [Read more...]
Come, Holy Spirit!
Feast of Pentecost, June 2014 Sequence – Veni, Sancte Spiritus Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms sh … [Read more...]
Abuse & Scandal
Editorial for May 2014
We see in Francis’ interactions with children Jesus’ own special affection for God’s littlest and most vulnerable ones. And it is that same reverence and love which must be the work of every Christian, priests first and foremo … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Spring Reading for May 2014
Spring Reading for May 2014 Living Well: Homilies/Meditations on the Virtues. By James F. Quigley, OP (Rome: Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2012), 102 pp., €13, 00. (Reviewed by Tracy Wietecha.) ____________ God’s Bucket List … [Read more...]
Homilies for May 2014
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for May 2014 Feast of the Ascension 3rd Sunday of Easter—May 4, 2014 Stay with Us. Purpose: The Road to Emmaus is one of the most popular post-Resurrection stories and it offers toda … [Read more...]
Pope John XXIII, 1958-1963: A Brief Biography
"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." - … [Read more...]
He is Risen!
Easter Sequence Victimæ paschali laudes Christians, to the Paschal Victim Offer your thankful praises! A Lamb the sheep redeems; Christ, who only is sinless, Reconciles sinners to the Father. Death and life have contended in that … [Read more...]
“Ex Corde Ecclesiae” and the Importance of a Catholic Education
Editorial for April 2014
Ex Corde ... is not a document that stifles academic research or expression; it is a document that simply wants to allow Catholic schools to be, well, Catholic. Was it not William F. Buckley who famously quipped that he would rather be … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Early Spring Reading for April 2014 Aprender a Amar: 30 preguntas para no equivocarse en la aventura más importante en la vida. By Pontificio Instituto Juan Pablo II (Ignatius: San Francisco, 2011) 62 pp. (Reviewed by Francisco Gavr … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
For March 2014
Late-Winter Reading for March 2014 A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching. By Kevin E. McKenna, revised ed. (Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press, 2013), 192 pp., $16.95. (Reviewed by Rev. John J. Conley, S … [Read more...]
Our Lenten Imitation of Christ
Editorial for March, 2014
...Lent is a time of imitating Christ ... a plan to follow Christ, led by the Spirit, to wherever he desires to take us. For the Church’s Season of Lent this year, Pope Francis has invited us all to reflect on the significance of 2 Cor … [Read more...]
Pope Francis’ Message to the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
A society is truly open to life when it recognizes that life is precious even in the elderly population, in the disabled, and even in those who are gravely ill or in the process of dying. To Our Venerable Brother Msgr. Carrasco de P … [Read more...]
Euthanasia for children in Belgium
Dear Homiletic & Pastoral Review, It is with great distress that as an American living in Texas, I recently learned of the 86-44 vote by Belgium House of Representatives to allow euthanasia for children. As a Christian I couldn't … [Read more...]
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