Scripture and sacred tradition do not tell us too much about Joseph. Yet, all we need to know is that the heart of his life beats between Mary and Jesus, how he found his truest self between our Lady and her God. St. Joseph and the Baby … [Read more...]
Celebrating “Humanae Vitae” 45 Years Later
The one night stand may not have been born in the 60s, but it was granted acceptance and serial permanence. ... the Holy Father saw how a general lowering of overall morality would be the result of such self-centeredness. Humanae Vitae … [Read more...]
June is Vocations Month
Congratulations! Our prayers and best wishes to all those ordained to the priesthood and the diaconate this month, and all those taking final vows for religious life! May God bless you and be … [Read more...]
May 2013 Homilies
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Homilies for May 2013 Jesus Ascends into Heaven 6th Sunday of Easter—May 5, 2013 Not as the World Gives Purpose: This Sunday's Gospel captures the heart of the Christian faith: "We will come to him a … [Read more...]
Welcome, Holy Father Francis!
Like Francis of Assisi, our Holy Father is calling us back to the great saint who “rebuilt Christ's Church” by living a life of sheer simplicity and charity. St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis: "Rebuild my House" Let us take this oppo … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Winter into Spring Reading For March 2013 Reviews for the following books: CONSTITUTIONAL ILLUSION AND ANCHORING TRUTHS: THE TOUCHSTONE OF THE NATURAL LAW. By Hadley Arkes. (Reviewed by Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.) __________ THE SOUL O … [Read more...]
Pope Benedict’s Resignation
For the latest information on Pope Benedict's decision to resign, go to Catholic World Report at: … [Read more...]
The Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine
Books available on St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentaries on Apostles John, Paul, and Matthew
Some years ago, a group of theologians at Wyoming Catholic College came together to establish The Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine. By now you may already know about the ambitious project that our Institute has launched … [Read more...]
The Latest Book Reviews
Winter Reading For January 2013 Reviews for the following books: CHRISTIANITY: THE FIRST THREE THOUSAND YEARS. By Diarmaid MacCulloch. (Reviewed by Fr. Brian Van Hove, S.J.) __________ HOMOSEXUALITY AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. By … [Read more...]
America’s Leading Pastoral Magazine in This Year of Faith
Honor the Pope’s request in renewing our devotion to our Catholic faith, and assisting Homiletic & Pastoral Review in being that voice of the Gospel around the world. On January 1, 2013, Homiletic & Pastoral Review will have b … [Read more...]
Homilies for August 2012
For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts August 2012 "I am the Bread of Life; whoever comes to me will never hunger." Less grumbling, more trust Purpose: To invite our congregations to an examination of conscience in which they ask themselves … [Read more...]
Honoring the Priesthood in June
To those enjoying the memories, blessed anniversary! To those still relishing your freshly-chrismed hands, congratulations! As June is upon us, we at HPR would like to thank all of you who are celebrating your priestly ordinations … [Read more...]
He is risen!
Blessed Easter to you! And, please, know that you will all be remembered at Mass this Easter Season. What a wonder, what a truth, what a feast! Today, all death is destroyed and every longing is fulfilled. In his infinite mercy, the … [Read more...]
Razing the bastions, yet again
Be confident, bold and loving, for Christ has won!
In his 1952 Razing the Bastions (Schleifung der Bastionen) Hans Urs von Balthasar challenged the Church to replace any posturing of fear with a more world-friendly embrace.[1. Han Urs von Balthasar, Razing the Bastions, trans., Brian McNeil … [Read more...]
O Admirabile Commercium: The true Christmas exchange
On Christmas we see how Christ “exchanges” his heavenly privilege for humanity.
Christ’s Church brings the Octave of Christmas to a close with her praising, “O admirabile commercium: O marvelous exchange! Man’s Creator has become man, born of a virgin. We have been made sharers in the divinity of Christ who humbled hims … [Read more...]
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