Scholars tell us that this tipping point, when all taboos were uprooted and all universal expectations were discarded, goes by the name "Postmodernism." We have the sense that we went to sleep and woke up in a future we don’t recognize, s … [Read more...]

About Michael P. McKeating
Michael P. McKeating is a deacon in the Diocese of Buffalo. He was ordained in 1979. He has been involved in catechesis at the parish level for three decades, teaching Sacramental Preparation, Confirmation, and RCIA. He has an MA in theology, cum laude, from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, as well as a BA, MA, and Juris Doctor degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is a practicing attorney, and he is the Director of Eucharistic Adoration for the Diocese of Buffalo. He is a widower with two adult children.
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