With great joy the world received Pope Francis’s announcement of an extraordinary Jubilee Year focused on the mercy of God. This event was inaugurated by the Bull, Misericordiae Vultus, or The Face of Mercy. The Almighty showed mercy to t … [Read more...]

About Richard J. Grebenc
Richard Grebenc teaches high school theology in South Florida. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas (Houston) and a lecturer for the Permanent Deacon Formation program at St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.
The Year of Mercy and the Eucharist
November 4, 2016 by Richard J. Grebenc
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: Divine Mercy, Eucharist, Year of Mercy
Carrying the Cross with Simon of Cyrene
April 13, 2014 by Richard J. Grebenc

We can be sure that Jesus was grateful to Simon for providing some relief during the Passion, but also for helping him reach his goal of redeeming humanity (see Jn 12:27 and Acts 2:23) by his suffering and death. “He summoned the c … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Magazine Tagged With: carrying your cross, Cyrene, Cyrenians at Pentecost, Gospel of Mark, Pentecost, Simon of Cyrene, suffering, the Cross of Jesus Christ, Via Dolorosa
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