Dr. Joseph Shaw

About Dr. Joseph Shaw

Dr. Joseph Shaw is the Chairman of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales, President of the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce, and a public philosopher and freelance writer. His books include The Case of Liturgical Restoration: Una Voce Studies on the Traditional Latin Mass (Angelico Press, 2019) and The Liturgy, the Family, and the Crisis of Modernity (Os Justi, 2024); he has also edited A Defence of Monarchy: Catholics under a Protestant King (Angelico, 2024) and The Latin Mass and the Intellectuals: Petitions to Save the Ancient Mass from 1966 to 2007 (Arouca Press, 2024).

The Demographics of the Extraordinary Form

Young People, Families, Sex Ratios, and Diversity

The Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUV, or Una Voce International) recently submitted to the Holy See a report on the availability of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite around the world (hereafter, “the FIUV Report”), in the pre … [Read more...]

​Epidemic and the Liturgical Reform

The Church reformed the liturgy at a moment of great optimism. The developed world was enjoying the long post-war boom. Seminaries were full. And new-fangled antibiotics and vaccination programs were sweeping away one major disease after … [Read more...]

The Novus Ordo at 50: Loss or Gain?

A Reply to Prof. Mary Healy

The recent half-century of Pope Paul VI’s reformed (“Ordinary Form,” or OF) Mass, which came shortly after the twelfth anniversary of the liberalization of the previous (“Extraordinary Form,” or EF) form of Mass, should stimulate us to engag … [Read more...]