Editors’ Note: This piece originally appeared in The Tablet in February 2024. At the age of seventy-five, bishops are mandated to submit their letter of resignation from administration directly to the Holy Father in Rome. For several y … [Read more...]
Pope Francis and the Church’s Mission Today
Note: Archbishop George Leo Thomas gave the following address on October 16, 2023, at the conclusion of the Mass of Canonical Establishment of the Archdiocese of Las Vegas. On June 29th, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, I received the … [Read more...]
For the Greater Glory of God
The following was originally issued as a pastoral letter on May 3, 2021. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Imagine this story: A fame-driven soldier is holding his position in battle. He is shot and wounded by a cannonball. During … [Read more...]
Evangelizing Catechesis
As a member of the USCCB’s Committee of Evangelization and Catechesis, we have spent a great deal of time developing a new vision of what we call “Evangelizing Catechesis.” We have defined it as such: At the heart of the Church’s mission to … [Read more...]
There but for the Grace of God
“O wonder of your humble care for us! O love, O charity beyond all telling.” Exultet One of the four Americans mentioned by Pope Francis in his address to the joint session of Congress on September 15, 2015 was Thomas Merton. Thomas Mer … [Read more...]
Preaching the Saints at Universities – A Case Study
Blessed Antoine-Frederic Ozanam (1813-1853)
In his Apostolic Exhortation The Word of the Lord (2010), Pope Benedict XVI includes a section entitled “The saints and the interpretation of Scripture.” He writes: “The interpretation of Sacred Scripture would remain incomplete were it n … [Read more...]
Pope Francis and the Symposium on the Priesthood
Many times, Pope Francis has been very critical in speaking about priests and even seminarians, and for sure bishops. He is calling the Church to a renewal, and he does not seem to have this concern without some experience. He began his … [Read more...]
St. Joseph and Fatherhood
Originally delivered as a talk for the Diocese of Paterson Advent Day of Prayer for Priests, St. Paul Inside the Walls Evangelization Center, Madison, NJ on December 6, 2022. It is my privilege and pleasure to be with you today at the … [Read more...]
Ars Praedicandi
Originally delivered as an address to the Theological College in Washington D.C. AMDG JMJ Ars Praedicandi Theological College 12.XI.22 Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever! Father Dominic, faculty, staff, and students … [Read more...]
Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to Priests
Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to Priests on the 160th Anniversary of the Death of the Holy Curé of Ars, St. John Vianney To my Brother Priests Dear Brothers, A hundred and sixty years have passed since the death of the holy … [Read more...]
Confession of Faith, Eucharist and Martyrdom
With Special Reference to Early Church Fathers of the East
Introduction[0. Paper presented at Theological Colloquium held at St. Mary’s Malankara Seminary, Trivandrum (Jan. 13, 2017). ] The Church of the first millennium was born of the blood of the martyrs: “Sanguis Martyrum - Semen Chr … [Read more...]
Chapter Eight of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”
For a guided reading Chapter Eight of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia is significantly entitled: "Accompanying, discerning and integrating weakness." This part of the document is not very large, because it is … [Read more...]
Spiritual Communion: Freed from the Dust of Centuries
On the Pastoral Milieu: Extreme Alternatives to Approaching the Lord’s Table From hearsay: The vigil of All Saints’ Day in the early 20th century. A small farm in Westphalia, Germany. Tomorrow’s Mass is one of the few times in the year in w … [Read more...]
To Whom Shall We Go?
(“To whom shall we go?” John 6: 66-69)[1. “As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, ‘Do you also want to leave?’ Simeon Peter answered him, … [Read more...]
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